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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Assessment in Vocational Upper Secondary Education


Last update: 15 April 2020

Pupil/Students assessment

For details see Assessment in General Upper Secondary Education.

Progression of pupils/students

For details see Assessment in General Upper Secondary Education.


Students in upper secondary vocational and short upper secondary vocational education end their studies by taking a final examination. Successful students receive a school leaving certificate (Spričevalo o zaključnem izpitu). Ending the studies with a final examination is specified by the state. Schools dispose of their own rules, as well. Head teachers specify them upon obtaining the opinion of the school assembly of teachers. The issue of certificates on education is also state regulated.

Upper secondary vocational education

Students who successfully complete upper secondary vocational education take final examination before the school examination committee that may include external professionals nominated by the competent chamber of employers and representative unions along with the teachers.

The Minister appoints a national committee to coordinate the elaboration and execution of the final examination at the national level. The technical and administrative outline is the responsibility of the National Examinations Centre.

The final examination consists of two parts: exam in mother tongue - written and oral - and final assignment in the form of a product with oral representation or service with oral representation. Results are graded 1 to 5, whereby 2 to 5 are pass grades. Students are successful in the final examination if they receive pass grades in both exam units.

Students who pass the final examination have the right to enrol in vocational-technical education programmes and after a certain period of experience, the right to take the master craftsman exam.

Short upper secondary vocational education

Students who successfully complete short upper secondary vocational education may take the final examination before the examination committee that includes teachers and may also include professionals nominated by the relevant chamber of employers.

The Minister appoints a national committee to coordinate the elaboration and execution of the final examination at the national level. The technical and administrative outline is the responsibility of the National Examinations Centre.

The final examination: final assignment in the form of a product with oral representation, or service  with oral representation. Results are graded 1 to 5, whereby grades 2 to 5 are pass grades. Students successfully complete the final examination if they receive pass grades.

Students who pass the final examination have the right to enrol in the initial year of any other upper secondary vocational or technical education programme.