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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Organisation of Vocational Upper Secondary Education


Last update: 15 April 2020

Types of institutions

For details see Organisation of General Upper Secondary Education.

Geographical accessibility

For details see Organisation of General Upper Secondary Education.

Admission requirements and choice of school

Vocational upper secondary education

The upper secondary vocational education programmes are open to students who successfully complete basic school or short upper secondary vocational education programme.

With the education programme there may be special talent or psychophysical requirements specified if such skills are required for successful education and work performance in the respective occupation or vocational domain.

For details see Organisation of General Upper Secondary Education.

Short vocational upper secondary education

The short upper secondary vocational education is open to students who fulfil basic school obligation and successfully complete Year 7 of the basic school programme, or complete basic school in an education programme of lower educational standard that are adapted to children with special needs.

With the education programme there may be special psychophysical requirements specified if such skills are required for successful education and work performance in the respective occupation or vocational domain.

For further details see Organisation of General Upper Secondary Education.

Age levels and grouping of pupils/students

As a rule, students enrol at the age of 15. It is a one-cycle education of two to three years in duration, depending on the programme type. In separate classes, there are students of the same age. As a rule, the same teachers teach the same students the same subjects for several school years.

The number of students in one class and the grouping of students are subject to rules adopted by the education minister:

  • Rules on Norms and Standards for Implementation of Educational Programmes in Upper Secondary Education,
  • Rules on Criteria and Standards for Bi-lingual Upper-secondary School (sl)s, and the
  • Rules on Criteria and Standards for Upper-secondary Schools with the Italian Language Instruction (sl).

Upper secondary vocational education

The upper secondary vocational education is organised in classes of up to 28 students. In classes with one special needs student, a maximum of 24 applies, with two 22, and with three or more special needs students the total number of students may not exceed 20.

For practical lessons in computer science and science classes are divided in groups of up to 16 students.

In practical training school workshops, students are organised in groups of up to 17 (Year 1), 14 (Year 2), and up to 13 (Year 3). If safety is a concern, smaller groups are also an option (e.g. in forestry, mining, glass blowing).

For sports education, normally students are organsied in groups of up to 20 and divided by gender.

If there are insufficient enrolments, a school may organise a combined class of students.

In the bilingual Slovenian-Hungarian school and in the school with Italian medium of instruction, students are organised in classes of maximum 16 or 24 if spatial situation allows it. With the minister's consent, a school may organise a class of five or less students. For practical lessons in general knowledge subjects, the number of students in a class may not exceed 13, and the same applies for classes of practical training.

Short vocational upper-secondary education

Classes of short upper secondary vocational education programme may include up to 20 students. In a class with one special needs student, there may not be more than 16 students; 14 in a class with two students with special needs (SEN), and not more than 12 in a class with three or more SEN students.

For practical lessons in school workshops students are organised in groups of up to 10. If safety is a concern, smaller groups are also an option (e.g. in glass blowing, agriculture).

In the bilingual Slovenian-Hungarian school and in the school with Italian medium of instruction, students are organised in classes of maximum 14. With the minister's consent, a school may organise a class of five or less students. The number of students taking practical lessons may not exceed 10.

Organisation of the school Year, day and week

For details see Organisation of General Upper Secondary Education.