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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Assessment in Vocational Upper Secondary Education

United Kingdom - England

Last update: 28 April 2021

This article describes assessment in the following pathways for young people aged 16 to 18/19:

  • applied and technical programmes
  • apprenticeships
  • traineeships – designed for 16- to 24-year-olds who need extra help to gain access to an apprenticeship or employment.

Pupil/students assessment

For each qualification included as part of an applied and technical programme, an apprenticeship or a traineeship, the assessment scheme forms part of the qualification specification. All qualification specifications can be accessed via Ofqual’s Register of Regulated Qualifications.

Assessment schemes schemes vary and may include internal and external assessment. They are, however, subject to the following frameworks.

For the technical and applied qualifications offered in schools and colleges during this phase (Applied General Qualifications; Tech Levels; and Technical Certificates), government guidance sets out a number of assessment requirements. These are requirements for awarding organisations for those qualifications which are included in the school and college performance tables. They specify the following.

  1. The minimum proportion of the qualification’s overall grade that is externally assessed should reflect the purpose and content of the qualification and must be at least:

  • 40% of an Applied General Qualification
  • 30% of a Tech Level qualification
  • 25% of a Technical Certificate.

  2. A technical or applied qualification must have a distinction, merit, pass, or fail structure, or a more detailed grading scale.

For further information on Applied General Qualifications, Tech Levels and Technical Certificates, see the subheading ‘Applied and technical programmes’ in the article on ‘Teaching and Learning in Vocational Upper Secondary Education’.

For apprenticeships, the Government’s Specification of Apprenticeship Standards for England sets out the minimum requirements. These include the types and characteristics of the qualifications to be included in apprenticeships. They also include how achievement of other components, such as employee rights and responsibilities and personal learning and thinking skills should be evidenced.

Progression of pupils/students

Progression of students following applied and technical programmes, apprenticeships and traineeships is a matter decided by individual providers. 

Where courses last two years, e.g. Applied General Qualifications and Tech Levels, some providers may determine that progression to the second year of the course is dependent on progress in the first year. 

The applied / vocational qualifications available during this phase are designed with progression in mind. Technical Certificates, for example, are intended to enable entry to an apprenticeship, employment or a Tech Level qualification. Applied General Qualifications allow students to progress to courses of higher education.


The qualifications included within applied and technical programmes, apprenticeships and traineeships are provided by external awarding organisations, within a regulatory framework determined by the Department for Education and Ofqual (the qualifications regulator). 

Awarding organisations issue results and certificates for individual qualifications. Qualification certificates normally include information such as:

  • the date of the qualification
  • the name of the awarding organisation
  • the name of the examination centre
  • the student’s details
  • the qualification name and number
  • the grade awarded overall and / or for individual units.

For apprenticeships, in addition, Apprenticeship Certificates England manages the process of certifying completion of the overall apprenticeship.

Article last reviewed April 2021.