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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
National Reforms in Early Childhood Education and Care

United Kingdom - England

Last update: 30 March 2021


Response to the consultation on the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework

In July 2020, the Department for Education published the response to a consultation on proposed changes to the statutory framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), the phase of education and care spanning the period from birth to age five. More than 2,000 early years professionals responded to the consultation about revised early learning goals (ELGs) – key measures teachers use to check children’s development at the end of the Reception year – with a consistent view that they were clear and would contribute to a well-rounded assessment. Two of the main findings were:

  • Participants viewed the revised ELGs positively overall, describing them as clearer than previous ELGs. They also made practical suggestions about improving the revised ELGs.
  • Schools reported that their workload had reduced due to the reduced expectations for assessment and evidence-gathering (or would do once the changes were embedded). Staff reported using this extra time to spend with children.

30 hours childcare funding flexibilities

In May 2020, the Department for Education announced new measures to ensure parents can continue to access the government’s 30 hours free childcare or Tax-Free Childcare offer if they fall below the minimum income requirement due to COVID-19.

National roll-out of reception baseline assessment

Reception baseline assessment is a new national assessment that will be administered in the reception class (ISCED 0) in primary schools from 2020. See the item in ‘National Reforms in School Education'. 

Hungry Little Minds: home learning in the early years

In February 2020, the Department for Education (DfE) announced the accreditation of six new home learning apps to support the Hungry Little Minds campaign. This was launched in July 2019 to run for three years, and aims to improve early literacy and language skills in the years before children start school by supporting parents with their children’s early learning.

The new apps gained accreditation from an expert panel, following a competition to find the best educational apps for parents to engage young children in learning at home. They cover activities ranging from interactive story books, handwriting exercises using artificial intelligence (AI), and educational video games.

This follows the publication of guidance by the DfE, in November 2018, on improving the home learning environment to promote early language and literacy development. This guidance included a behaviour change model, setting out an approach that organisations could use to inform their activities and ensure that the advice given to families was consistent and based on evidence.

These initiatives build on DfE’s plans, set out in July 2018, to halve the proportion of five-year-olds not meeting expected standards in early reading and communication by the time they finish reception.


Opportunity Areas programme extended 

See the item in 'National Reforms in School Education'.

Consultation on the Early Years Foundation Stage statutory framework 

In October 2019, the Department for Education (DfE) launched a consultation on proposed changes to the statutory framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), the phase of education and care spanning the period from birth to age five. DfE sought views on:

  • proposed revisions to the educational programmes
  • proposed revisions to the early learning goals (ELGs), which cover a broad range of skills including language and communication, reading and writing;  numbers; art and design; physical development; self-confidence and ability to build relationships; and understanding of the world
  • proposed changes to the assessment and moderation process for the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile
  • a proposed change to the safeguarding and welfare requirements to promote good oral health.

The consultation followed a pilot of a reformed version of the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile (EYFSP), the assessment framework used in the EYFS. The reforms were intended to reduce the workload and time burden for early years staff administering the EYFSP, as well as to improve outcomes for children. The pilot was independently evaluated.

The EYFS framework consultation ran from 24 October 2019 to 31 January 2020 and the DfE is currently (March 2020) analysing feedback.

Education Inspection Framework introduced 

See the item in ‘National Reforms in School Education’.


Inquiry into impact of early years on life chances 

In May 2018, the House of Commons Education Committee launched an inquiry into the role of the early years in determining life chances.

The inquiry aimed to understand the impact that early years education and social policy has on determining children’s life chances and examined the Government’s policies in these areas. It looked to make recommendations to promote social justice, and focused on early years educational settings, but also considered the role of other services, including health services and services provided by the Department for Work and Pensions.

The Committee’s report and the Government’s response were published in February and April 2019, respectively.

Support for disadvantaged children – eligibility criteria 

See the item in 'National Reforms in School Education’.

Article last reviewed March 2021.