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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Political, Social and Economic Background and Trends

United Kingdom - Northern Ireland

Last update: 9 December 2020

This chapter provides an overview of the political, social and economic situation in Northern Ireland, a constituent part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

During 1998 and 1999, the UK Parliament devolved certain powers and responsibilities to other elected bodies in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

In Northern Ireland, these powers are vested in the Northern Ireland Assembly and the Northern Ireland Executive. The nomination of government ministers is based on the principle of power-sharing to ensure that the Unionist and Nationalist political communities (see the article ‘Historical Development’) both participate in governing Northern Ireland.  

The 11 local councils in Northern Ireland have no responsibility for education.

The population of the United Kingdom was estimated to be approximately 66.7 million in mid-2019, of which the population of Northern Ireland was approximately 1.9 million.

English is used in Northern Ireland by custom and practice. Irish and Ulster Scots are officially recognised minority languages.

The population of Northern Ireland is predominantly Christian, and schooling has traditionally been organised along denominational lines.


Article last reviewed December 2020.