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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Management and Other Education Staff

United Kingdom - Scotland

Last update: 30 July 2019

In the public sector, early learning and childcare establishments and all schools are required to have a head teacher with overall responsibility. The head teacher is normally helped with management responsibilities by a team of depute head teachers. Secondary schools have specialist support/guidance staff.

Education Scotland plays a major role in monitoring and evaluation of the education system.

Higher Education Institutions are autonomous bodies and make their own management and support/guidance staffing arrangements. They are typically led by a Principal and a team of senior staff.

Colleges providing training and further education are also autonomous. They usually  have a Principal, a team of Depute and Assistant Principals and specialist support/guidance staff in place.

Community Learning and Development provision is normally managed by local authorities.

In all three sectors educational establishments have significant numbers of non-academic staff.