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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Secondary and Post-Secondary Non-Tertiary Education

United Kingdom - Scotland

Last update: 6 February 2020

Introduction, key facts

Secondary education in Scotland (ISCED levels 2 and 3) lasts between four and six years and caters for pupils aged 12 to 16-18.

This section is divided into general lower secondary education, and general and vocational upper secondary education. ‘Lower’ and ‘upper’ correspond here to the broad general education. ‘Lower’ general corresponds to the first, second and third years of secondary school (S1-S3) while ‘upper’ secondary education, or senior phase, corresponds to the following three years of secondary (S4-S6) of Curriculum for Excellence. Curriculum for Excellence is the national curriculum for Scottish schools for learners from the ages 3-18.

The broad general education is provided up to the age of 15 (S3). S4 marks the beginning of upper secondary education, and pupils are obliged to remain at school until at least the end of that year (age 16) (see 2.1 Fundamental Principles and National Policies for an overview of Curriculum for Excellence).

In terms of ISCED categorisation, lower secondary (ISCED 2) refers to compulsory secondary provision (age 12–16). Upper secondary (ISCED 3) refers to post-compulsory secondary provision (age 16-18).

All publicly funded secondary schools are comprehensive. Secondary schools aim to provide an education in accordance with the philosophy of Curriculum for Excellence. The key priorities of Curriculum for Excellence are to ensure the best possible progression in literacy, numeracy, and health and wellbeing for every child and young person, and to close the attainment gap.

Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) is a 7 year strategy implemented by the Scottish Government which began in 2014. It aims to better prepare children and young people for the world of work.

16+ Learning Choices (Scottish Government, 2010) is an offer by local authorities and their partners to all young people. It entitles them to continue to develop their skills for learning, life, and work in whatever type of provision is best suited to their needs and aspirations (see Chapter 6.4 Organisation of General and Vocational Upper Secondary Education).

From age 16, there are a range of options for young people. They might stay at school in S5-S6, go to further or higher education, take part in a national training programme, volunteer, get a job, or engage in community learning and development (CLD).

Most young people stay in school for these two years. In the school year 2015/16, 63.7% of school leavers left school at the end of S6, compared to 25.2% leaving after S5, and 11.1% leaving at the end of S4 (Scottish Government, 2017). Topic 8: Adult Education and Training covers further education, training, and community learning and development.

There are no programmes categorised as post-secondary non-tertiary education (ISCED 4) in Scotland.

Relevant legislation

The current legislative framework applies equally to primary and secondary education and is for the most part concerned with powers given to local authorities and largely administrative matters.

The main points of the Education (Scotland) Act 1980 that are specific to secondary education relate to the school leaving age and pupils’ rights. All young people are required to remain in full-time education until they reach the age of 16.

In practice, this means that those whose sixteenth birthday falls before 1 September may leave school at the end of the previous May. Otherwise they must return to school for the first term of their fifth year and may leave only at the following Christmas.

The legislation (section 1(5) (a) of the 1980 Education (Scotland) Act) entitles pupils to an education adapted to their age, ability and aptitude. They also have the right to receive personal, curricular, and vocational guidance. This can include specific careers advice from the Careers Service, as well as support as necessary by the psychological service, the health services and the social work department.

The Education (Scotland) Act 1981 allowed young people to attend schools outwith their local area, provided that there were places available.

The Education (Scotland) Act 1996 provided for a new examining body, the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA), to take over the functions of the Scottish Examination Board (SEB) and the Scottish Vocational Education Council (SCOTVEC). This led to changes in the external examination system.

The Standards in Scotland’s Schools etc. Act 2000 established a framework of improvement for all school education in Scotland.

As in the primary sector, the only stipulation in the education acts about the curriculum is that schools must provide religious education, as well as religious observance. However parents may withdraw their children from either or both.

Class sizes in secondary schools are controlled by agreements of the Scottish Negotiating Committee for Teachers (SNCT). The maximum class size in S1 and S2 is 33 pupils; in S3 to S6 it is 30. Classes in certain subjects defined as "practical" are restricted to 20 (e.g. science, home economics, art and design).

The Teaching Council (Scotland) Act 1965 requires teachers in secondary schools to be registered with the General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS) as secondary teachers of a particular subject or subjects. Support for Learning Teachers focus on the provision of supplementary teaching to pupils who require additional help. Support for Learning Teachers who are registered as primary teachers may, however, also be employed in secondary schools.

Legislative References

Teaching Council (Scotland) Act 1965 (Act of Parliament) : 1965, c19

Education (Scotland) Act 1980 (Act of Parliament) : 1980, c.44.

Education (Scotland) Act 1981 (Act of Parliament) : 1981, c.58.

Education (Scotland) Act 1996 (Act of Parliament) : 1996, c.43.

Standards in Scotland’s Schools etc. Act 2000 (Act of the Scottish Parliament) : 2000, asp6.

Education (Scotland) Act 2016