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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Comparative Reports

Comparative Reports

Adult education and training in Europe: Building inclusive pathways to skills and qualifications

28 June 2021
  Full version EL EN ES HR IT LV RO SR Main findings CS This Eurydice report focuses on adult education and training in Europe. It investigates current approaches to promoting lifelong learning, with a particular emphasis on policies and measures…

The Organisation of the Academic Year in Europe 2021/22

28 June 2021
  Full version EN Do you wonder how the academic calendar is structured this year, especially after COVID19 hugely impacted our higher education systems? This publication, based on national data, gives accurate information on the beginning of the…

The Organisation of School Time in Europe Primary and General Secondary Education 2021/22

28 June 2021
  Full version EN  How is the school year organised across Europe? The Eurydice report on the organisation of school time replies to this specific question. It contains national data on the length of the school year, the start and the end dates…

Recommended Annual Instruction Time in Full-time Compulsory Education in Europe 2020/21

21 May 2021
  Full version EN  Comparative analysis ES  Effective learning depends on many factors, but undoubtedly, the instruction time available to students plays a key role in their learning process. Along with the quality of instruction and the time…
Teachers in Europe. Careers, Development and well-being

Teachers in Europe Careers, Development and Well-being

03 March 2021
Full version BG EN ES HR IT PT RO  Teachers play an essential role in the learning process and in making it a fruitful experience for all students. The pandemic, the rapid transition from face-to-face to distance learning have further highlighted…

2020 - Eurydice publications

29 January 2021
In 2020, Eurydice published a number of reports on various educational topics. An overview of our 2020 publications is now available. With just one click, you can easily get access to all our reports! List of publications 2020

Eurydice Brief Equity in school education in Europe

07 December 2020
  Full version DE EN FR LV PT RO SK SL SR SV  This Eurydice Brief presents the main findings of the Eurydice report Equity in school education in Europe. The report provides an overview of education structures and policies that influence equity in…

National Student Fee and Support Systems in European Higher Education 2020/21

01 December 2020
  Full report DE EN ES FR  The availability of financial resources to fund studies is an important factor when it comes to access higher education. In particular, disadvantaged students are highly sensitive to the availability of sufficient funds…

Structural Indicators for Monitoring Education and Training Systems in Europe - 2020: Overview of major reforms since 2015

11 November 2020
  Full report EN This report contains more than 35 updated structural indicators on education policies for the 2019/20 school/academic year in six policy areas: early childhood education and care (ECEC), achievement in basic skills, early leaving…

The European Higher Education Area in 2020: Bologna Process Implementation Report

11 November 2020
  Full report EN UK  The new edition of the Bologna Process Implementation Report shows all the progress made over two decades on mobility, quality assurance and recognition. Unprecedented achievements have been made in developing convergent…

Here you can consult our comparative reports from the last 5 years. You can filter by year, topic and/or title. Please refer to the EU Bookshop to source older publications. Most of our reports are available in several languages.