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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Comparative Reports

Comparative Reports

Compulsory Education in Europe – 2018/19

26 September 2018
  Full version CNR EL EN ES HR IT LV RO SR  This publication provide concise information on the duration of compulsory education/training in 43 European education systems covering 38 countries participating in the EU's Erasmus+ programme (28…

The Structure of the European Education Systems 2018/19: Schematic Diagrams

26 September 2018
  Full version BS CNR DE EN ES FR HR IT RO SR TR  This report provides information on the structure of mainstream education in European countries from pre-primary to tertiary level for the 2018/19 school and academic year. It includes national…

The Organisation of the Academic Year in Europe – 2018/19

05 September 2018
  Full version EN Wonder how the academic calendar is structured? This publication, based on national data, gives accurate information on the beginning of the academic year, term times, holidays and examination periods. Differences between…

The Organisation of School Time in Europe. Primary and General Secondary Education – 2018/19

05 September 2018
  Full version EN How is the school year organised across Europe? Despite some differences, countries show many similarities regarding the structure of their school calendars. In 10 countries/regions, school generally starts in August. The…

Recommended Annual Instruction Time in Full-time Compulsory Education in Europe – 2017/18

28 May 2018
  Full version EN TR Comparative analysis: DE ES FR HR IT MK PT RO SLA SR TR The Council of the European Union has set the goal of reducing low achievement in reading, mathematics and science among 15-year-olds to less than 15 % by 2020. How are…

The European Higher Education Area in 2018: Bologna Process Implementation Report

03 May 2018
  Full version EN Epub EN European Commission Press release This latest Bologna Process Implementation Report presents a wide-ranging and detailed picture on how the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) has been moving forward since the…

Eurydice Brief: Citizenship Education at School in Europe – 2017

23 February 2018
  Full version BG CS DE EL EN ES FR HR IT LT LV MK PL PT RO SK SLA SR TR  In an age where the importance of citizenship education is becoming apparent to deal with the current threats to fundamental European values, many countries are implementing…

Teaching Careers in Europe: Access, Progression and Support

23 February 2018
  Full version BS DE EN ES FR HR IT LT LV MK PL PT RO SK SLA SR TR Highlights BS CS DE EL EN ES FI FR HR IT LV MK MT NL PL PT RO SK SL SLA SR SV TR Epub DE EN FR European Commission Press release At a time when the importance of teachers is…

Infographics: Foreign Languages at School in Europe 2017

23 February 2018
  Eurydice is pleased to present brand new infographics, illustrating figures from the Key Data on Teaching Languages at School in Europe 2017 and the Eurydice Brief of the same publication.   Download the PDF version PDF BA…

2016 - Eurydice publications

23 February 2018
In 2016, Eurydice published a number of reports on various educational topics. An overview of our 2016 publications is now available. With just one click, you can easily get access to all our reports! 2016_publications_list_february_2017.pdf…

Here you can consult our comparative reports from the last 5 years. You can filter by year, topic and/or title. Please refer to the EU Bookshop to source older publications. Most of our reports are available in several languages.