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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Comparative Reports

Comparative Reports

National Student Fee and Support Systems in European Higher Education – 2015/16

19 February 2018
  Full version EN Summary DE FR This annual report shows how fee and support systems (including grants and loans) work in higher education in Europe. In addition to providing a comparative overview of fees and financial support available for full…

Teachers' and School Heads' Salaries and Allowances in Europe – 2014/15

19 February 2018
  Full version: EN Summary BS CNR DE ES FR HR RO This annual report provides a comparative analysis on teachers' and school heads' statutory salaries and allowances in Europe for 2014/15. It also includes individual country sheets with detailed…

Languages in Secondary Education: An Overview of National Tests in Europe – 2014/15

19 February 2018
  Date of publication: 25 September 2015 Full version BG CNR CS DE EL EN ES FR IT LT LV PL PT RO SK SL SR TR Highlights DE EN ES FR HR IT LV MT NL PL PT RO SK SL SLA SR SV TR E-book DE EN FR This Eurydice report provides a comparative overview…

The Organisation of the Academic Year in Higher Education, 2015/16

19 February 2018
  The Organisation of the Academic Year in Higher Education, 2015/16 Date of publication:  1 September  2015 Full version EN   Description: The Academic Calendar contains national data on how the academic year is structured (beginning of the…

Organisation of school time in Europe. Primary and general secondary education: 2015/16 school year

19 February 2018
Organisation of school time in Europe. Primary and general secondary education: 2015/16 school year Full version EN Description: The School Calendar contains national data on the length of the school year, the start and the end dates of each…

The Teaching Profession in Europe: Practices, Perceptions, and Policies

19 February 2018
Full version CS DE EL EN ES FR HR IT LV PL RO SK SR TR Highlights BG CS DE EL EN ES FI FR HR IS IT LT LV MT NL PL RO SR SL SV TR E-book DE EN FR Appendix EN Policy implications (European Commission) European Commission Press Release This…

Eurydice Brief: Early Leaving from Education and Training

19 February 2018
Full version DE EL EN ES FR LT LV PL PT RO SR TR Description: This Eurydice Brief on Early Leaving from Education and Training (ELET) shows that collectively, Member States are getting closer to the EU headline target: by 2020, the share of early…

The European Higher Education Area in 2015: Bologna Process Implementation Report

19 February 2018
  Full version DE EN ES FR HR RO SLA SR TR E-book DE FR EN Description: This report gives a snapshot of the state of implementation of the Bologna Process across the 47 countries of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). It provides…

Recommended Annual Instruction Time in Full-time Compulsory Education in Europe 2014/15

19 February 2018
  Full version EN Summary DE ES FR HR RO SLA SR TR An analysis of recommended annual instruction time suggests that countries have a very similar focus on key basic competences in compulsory education. At primary level, most countries' main focus…

Eurydice Brief - Modernisation of Higher Education in Europe: Access, Retention and Employability

19 February 2018
Eurydice Brief - Modernisation of Higher Education in Europe: Access, Retention and Employability Full version DE EL EN ES FR HR LV RO SK SL SV TR Description: From analysis of national policies and institutional practice across Europe, this…

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