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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice

Focus on Articles

The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery, Mark Van Doren

As the coronavirus spreads, higher education institutions are facing a major challenge: how can they continue to offer instruction if face to face classes and lectures are closed? An increasing number are moving classes online as a short-term solution. Moreover, as students want to be actively engaged in their own learning, universities are proposing new forms of teaching and learning.


Education is not preparation for life: education is life itself, John Dewey
In a few months’ time, many students around Europe will start a new higher education course. Hopefully the worst of the pandemic will be behind us. However, the map below already indicates that higher education institutions will not be operating normally until the start of the next academic year at the earliest in many countries. Many education systems may have to abandon end of secondary school examinations.

In the last few years, people's use of various digital technology, be it computers, smart phones and even virtual reality has increased significantly both at home and in the work place.


In many countries, political debate is becoming ever more polarised. But is this black and white world view positive for our democracy?


Climate change is a topic unlike any other. While the prospect of human-induced global destruction may sometimes seem too overwhelming to address, everyone has a part to play in halting it.


Should refugees and asylum seekers learn only the host country language or should they be encouraged to keep their mother tongue?


Bullying at school has probably existed as long as we have had modern schools. But just because bullying has always been around, does this mean we can do nothing to stop it?


In 2015 the UN setted the Sustainable Development Goals to drive change in the world by 2030. Where fits education in relation to these goals?


"Any teacher that can be replaced by a machine should be!" – Sir Arthur C. Clarke


"The pure and simple truth is rarely pure and never simple". – Oscar Wilde
