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An Amendment to the Education Act Approved in the Czech Republic

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An Amendment to the Education Act Approved in the Czech Republic

13 September 2018
Country news

The new amendment will impact the funding of education and the pre-primary education's system.

In July 2018, the Parliament of the Czech Republic approved an amendment to the Education Act.  The amendment will produce two changes:

The reform of funding of education regulated by the Education Act (ISCED 0–3) that was initially planned to be implemented in 2019, will be now launched in two steps. Secondly, the approach as regards as the two-year-olds in nursery schools is going to change.

Because of the reform of funding, schools will not receive any more money according to the number of pupils but according to the extent of teaching hours. Per capita funding per pupil (as determined so far by the regional authority) will be replaced by the per capita funding of the education staff (as stipulated by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports). The new system takes into account the differences in the size and structure of schools in particular regions.

The reform of funding will be spread over two years. During the first step, which will start in 2019, some concrete actions will be financially supported: dividing the lessons, balancing differences between schools in regions and adequate staffing in nursery schools. As from January 2020, starting date of the second step, the new system of financing should be fully implemented.

Concerning pre-primary education, as from the beginning of the 2020/21, it is supposed to be organised for children from 2 to usually 6 years of age. However, the 2018 amendment repeals the fact that, as from 2020, municipalities should ensure a place in a nursery school for those kids, who reached 2 years before the beginning of the school year and with a permanent residence. Consequently, municipalities are obliged to ensure a place for 3 years old children, as stipulated by the 2016 Amendment.

Source: Eurydice Czech National Unit

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