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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice

Country news

The State Matura Project in Serbia started in January 2019.  After an initial piloting in 2020, the second iteration of the general, artistic and vocational State Matura was organised in April 2022.  This State Matura will replace the graduation exam (maturski ispit) currently taken by all students at the end of upper secondary education (both general and vocational). This exam assesses competences acquired during secondary cycle and is compulsory for all students at the end of the 4th grade.


The second follow-up of the national digitalisation strategy for the school system has recently been presented. The report provides a current picture of the situation in the school systems and its relation to the strategy’s initial goals.  

The report is based on a survey aimed at teachers and school heads that Statistics Sweden carried out on behalf of the National Agency for Education, in the spring of 2021. The national digitalisation strategy for the school systems, adopted in 2017, contains three focus areas:


The German-speaking Community wants to make it easier for new teachers and career changers to enter the teaching profession. To this end, the pilot phase of a mentoring programme will start in September 2022 in primary and secondary schools. Mentoring is a proven staff development tool for involving new staff members in the ongoing school development process and integrating them in the best possible way. 


Following the vandalism against Jewish burial sites, the Danish government launched an action plan regarding antisemitism. This plan is interdepartmental and includes 15 initiatives to prevent that antisemitism takes root in Denmark. 

Five (5) of the fifteen (15) initiatives aims at increasing children and youth’s knowledge of Holocaust and antisemitism. These five initiatives include:



The Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sports wants schools to offer every pupil access to culture. Therefore, the Ministry has launched the Culture Pass in partnership with the Ministry of Culture.  As of January 2022, the Culture Pass has been available to all pupils from grade 8 to the final year of secondary school (grade 12) in public and state-funded private education. 


The Programme, established by the Hungarian Swimming Association and funded by the Hungarian Government, started on 1 February 2022 and aims to ensure that all children learn to swim. 

The goal is to reach more than three hundred thousand children with the involvement of three hundred sport facilities by 2028. As part of this unique program, swimming education included in the school curriculum as part of the physical education classes, being provided free of charge by trained professionals. 


Ministry of Education and Culture grants one million euros for the development of early childhood education (ECEC) provided in hospitals. This special state grant is intended to municipalities and joint municipal authorities interested in developing ECEC for children in need of hospital care. 


The Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic is bringing a significant shift in helping Roma children in schools by introducing further procedures within the inclusion of Roma pupils. "Together in one bench" (SK - “Spolu v jednej lavici) is historically the first methodological material that brings concrete solutions to school desegregation.


In 2021, the "Agreement on the Common Basic Structure of the School System and the National Responsibility of the Länder in Central Questions of Education Policy" of the Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder came into force.


At its meeting on 8 December 2021, the Government of the Slovak Republic approved the Strategy on inclusive approach in education submitted by the Ministry of Education. This Strategy has been developed based on the Programme of the Government of the Slovak Republic 2021 – 2024: Area of Equal Opportunities in Education. 
