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Belgian French Community: Support to primary and secondary school teachers put in place during the COVID pandemic

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Belgian French Community: Support to primary and secondary school teachers put in place during the COVID pandemic

08 September 2020
Country news

In the context of the crisis linked to the Coronavirus, the Belgian French Community recently presented a digital platform containing tools, resources and ideas to facilitate the implementation of provisions related to the continuity of learning and evaluation.

e-classe is the platform of Educational Resources created by the Belgian French Community in partnership with RTBF/Sonuma.  The catalogue of contents is being constantly enriched and, to this date, includes:

o    Teaching Methods, Educational research, Guides, External evaluations and Tool files – from the General Education Administration; o    Audio-visual resources – from RTBF, Sonuma and Arte; o    Educational files, Information guides and Teaching aids – produced by the Services and General Administrations of the Belgian Ministry of the French Community; o    Pedagogical resources and tools – selected by a Consortia of Universities and Higher Education Institutions; o    Articles and resources specific to e-classe, such as a selection of digital educational tools and applications – uploaded on a monthly basis;

The platform covers the relevant didactical subjects referring to all levels of national compulsory education (pre-primary – secondary). The contents are validated for their pedagogical potential and are compliant with author copyrights. The themes created aim to bring together several articles, resources, videos and other materials related to current events affecting the school community and the world.  The access to the platform is reserved for holders of a teacher's number, tough free of any charges.

More information:

-    Ministry of Education: -    General Education Administration: -    Services and General Administrations of the Belgian Ministry of the French Community:

Source: Eurydice Unit Belgium French community

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