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Belgium – French Community: Reform of the Initial Teacher Education

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Belgium – French Community: Reform of the Initial Teacher Education

09 March 2022
Country news

The Government of the French Community adopted in fourth and final reading the draft decree reforming the Initial Teacher Education. 

The objective of this reform is to contribute to the improvement of our educational system, which requires a high level of training for future teachers. As already foreseen in the decree of February 2019 (currently under moratorium), the training of all core teachers will be increased from 3 to 4 years, and future teachers will be trained via a co-diploma between Universities, University Colleges and Arts Colleges.

The text also specifies the generic areas of competence to be developed by all future French-speaking teachers, regardless of the course of study, in order to meet the needs of the implementation of the Pact for Excellence in Teaching.

In addition, students will henceforth have to complete a long-term internship during the school/academic year. It is crucial to allow future teachers a gradual, supervised and accompanied entry into their profession. This internship will enable the student, through hours of internship in the classroom, but also for example, in the context of collaborative work within the educational team of the internship institution, to move towards autonomy and to prepare the beginning of his or her teaching career as well as possible.

Source:  Eurydice Unit Belgium – French Community

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