Belgium (French Community) - Status report on the Pact for Excellence in Education or Teaching Excellence Pact
The French Community adopted its Declaration on Community Policy (DPC) 2014-2019 in July 2014 in which several priorities are presented, including the adoption of a Teaching Excellence Pact. The Teaching Excellence Pact is based on a participatory process running from 2015 until mid-2016. It aims at defining action priorities at a 10-year horizon to strengthen the quality in education at various levels: • Quality of guidance, consistency of students' courses • Quality of training, support and guiding of the education actors • Quality of the offer, skills and knowledge • Quality and efficiency of education governance
In the context of a largely participatory approach and the collective ownership of the Teaching Excellence Pact, this process is conducted in four phases. It started in January 2015 and will run until mid-April 2016. The implementation of the Pact will be at Phase 5 and will extend on a multi-year basis (2015-2025).
Phase 1: Status report on the current situation of education and definition of the objectives and tasks of the school of the 21st century
Phase 2: The priority objectives of the Pact
Phase 3: Action plans to implement in order to enhance the quality of the teaching (May-December 2015)
Phase 4 (from January 2016 on): This will involve, where appropriate and in conjunction with the completion of some work related to Phase 3, organizing a vast operation of explanation, awareness and participatory discussions with all education stakeholders in Wallonia and Brussels via multiple methods (meetings with stakeholders, discussion forums, thematic seminars, online discussions, etc.). This will assist in explaining the objectives and proposed action plans, listening and incorporating the various comments received from stakeholders, and promoting ownership.
Phases 5 and 6: The last two phases will consist of the adoption of the Teaching Excellence Pact, an implementation plan, and the multi-year implementation of the Pact (from 2016 to 2025).
Source: Eurydice Unit of the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles