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Business and Management – New Subject in Polish Schools (as of September 2023)

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Business and Management – New Subject in Polish Schools (as of September 2023)

24 February 2022
Country news

The Ministry of Education and Science plans to introduce a new subject in schools from 1 September 2023. New subject is called Business and Management, allowing students to be able to choose it as an additional subject at extended level in the matriculation (Matura) examination – in 2027.

The subject will implement and extend the assumptions of the current subject Introduction to Entrepreneurship. It is planned that the current number of hours of obligatory classes for students of secondary schools will be maintained. Business and Management (BM) will replace the current Introduction to Entrepreneurship. In addition to the requirements for the basic level, the core curriculum will also specify the requirements for the extended level, so that students (who wish to do so) may take the Matura exam in BM as an additional subject at the extended level. This exam will be held, for the first time, in 2027. The introduction of a new Matura subject is a response to the needs and demands made by business and academic circles, as well as the Council for Financial Education and the President's Council for Entrepreneurship.

Introduction of BM teaching at extended level will make it possible for the new subject to include additional contents apart from such issues as personal finance, labour market or economic system, which are already present in the core curriculum of the Introduction to Entrepreneurship. Particular emphasis within BM will be placed on working in groups, analysing practical examples of the experience of Polish and foreign entrepreneurs and developing leadership competences. These are elements present in all business studies, including MBA-type programmes. The catalogue of teaching materials will be extended by introducing new technologies and digital tools to serve students, teachers and other members of the school community.

Consultations on the core curriculum for the new subject have been already launched. Representatives of business, sector organisations and experts-practitioners have been invited to participate in the work related to the preparation of the BM core curriculum. The main assumption of the new subject is to give it a practical dimension and to adapt the topics to the expectations of the labour market and the needs of universities.Consultations take place online.

More information:

Source:  Eurydice Unit Poland

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