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Compulsory training extended up to age of 18 in France

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Compulsory training extended up to age of 18 in France

23 October 2020
Country news

In France, a recently approved Law Decree (2020-978 of 5/8/2020) established the obligation, as of the academic year 2020/21, that all youngsters must receive training until 18 years old (previously until 16).  

This measure aims to prevent situations of adolescents left in circumstances where they received neither education, nor training, nor being employed.  The compulsory training requirement is met when adolescents aged 16 to 18 are:

-    In school or in a specific apprenticeship programme; -    In a programme of support for social and professional integration; or -    In civic service or employment.

Young people who provide a medical certificate attesting to difficulties linked to their state of health are exempt from this obligation.

The local missions (missions locales) are responsible for monitoring compliance with the training obligation and implementing identification and support actions. They monitor young people who do not comply with the compulsory training requirement and accompany them on their return to school/training or to a support or reintegration scheme.

More information: -    Law n°2019-791 of 26 July 2019 for a School of Confidence -    Decree n° 2020-978 of 5 August 2020 relating to the obligation to train young people between the ages of sixteen and eighteen -

Source:  Eurydice Unit France  

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