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Country news from Greece: Greece introduces new specialities in vocational education

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Country news from Greece: Greece introduces new specialities in vocational education

14 October 2019
Country news

Greece continues to increase career prospects for students in vocational and technical schools by offering a wider choice of new specialities for the “Postsecondary Year – Apprenticeship Class”.

The Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs has developed eight new specialities in vocational education that currently offers programmes such as:

•    Floriculture and Landscape Architecture •    Logistics and Supply Chain Assistant •    Jewelry and Silversmith •    Food and Beverage Technology Technician •    Fashion & Design Production

Following the Ministerial Decision Φ7/79564/Δ4/29-5-2019 (Government Gazette 1936/Β’), the next phase of the project will consist of developing the curricula with eight new sectors for corresponding specialities of vocational education schools. The new programmes are available as of this school year and lead to a Vocational Education and Training (VET) certificate of short-cycle tertiary education (ISCED 5) in the National EQF.

For more information, please visit:

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