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Covid-19 France: Support given to teachers during the pandemic

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Covid-19 France: Support given to teachers during the pandemic

18 January 2021
Country news

In France, during the Covid-19 pandemic, the Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sports provided teachers with numerous resources to support the implementation of pedagogical continuity. This includes online resources, teaching platforms, as well as self-training guides for teachers.

The main distance learning platform is "Ma classe à la maison" (my classroom at home), which was set up by the Centre National d'Enseignement à Distance (CNED – National Centre for Distance Learning), and is free of charge to all teachers and students. This platform allows virtual classes adapted to each level of school education. 

In order to train teachers on distance and hybrid education, the Canopé Network has set up new distance training courses. These courses are organised every day and take the form of webinars, in which teachers simply register for the sessions of their interest. The Network has also put "practical sheets" online with examples of use and simple advices and recommendations for applying some essential tools.

In parallel, during the health crisis, the Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sports promoted the concept of "reverse classroom", a pedagogical approach that combines face-to-face and distance learning, by offering an online resource sheet for teachers wishing to implement this type of pedagogy.

Finally, each académie (the main administrative district for national education in France) has set up its own resources, with contact details and information for pedagogical and digital continuity. A map available on the ministry’s website lists all the available information.  All académies have also mobilised their human resources departments, including local HR advisers and prevention doctors to provide support to staff upon request.  Help and support units accessible to all staff have been set up, while respecting anonymity and confidentiality. 

Moreover, from the very start of the confinement, the Ministry’s statistical department has been conducting large-scale surveys including teacher questionnaires. Many important results are already available here

Source:  Eurydice Unit France  

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