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Education Reforms in Austria: Individual competence assessment (iKMPLUS)

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Education Reforms in Austria: Individual competence assessment (iKMPLUS)

22 November 2021
Country news

The Austrian frame concept of education standards puts a focus on the acquisition of basic subject-specific competences, as defined by the “Bildungsstandards” – Education standards – decree, as a prerequisite for sustainable and lifelong learning.  Under the direction of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research and the Federal Institute for Quality Assurance in the Austrian School System (IQS), the individual competence assessment PLUS (iKMPLUS) aims at measuring the extent to which students attain the intended learning outcomes in German, Mathematics and English as set out by the „Bildungsstandards“.  At primary school level, the new instruments will be first administered in the summer term of 2021/22, at lower secondary level in the winter term of 2022/23. 

The individual competence assessment PLUS is a set of instruments for pedagogical diagnostics and it is designed to assess subject-related and cross-curricular competencies of students. The results of the iKMPLUS are to be promptly and directly effective as a foundation for support and instruction of individual students and every teachers in the same school year. On the other hand, they provide reliable data and indicators for evidence-based school and quality development.

The iKMPLUS is administered each academic year on the basis of students performed surveys >> besser „assessments“:  on a mandatory basis at grades 3 and 4 in German (reading) and Mathematics; at grades 7 and 8 in German (reading), mathematics, and English (receptive skills).  The compulsory modules take place within a national and predefined three-week period. The voluntary modules can be administered more flexibly and at the discretion of teachers.  In addition to the competency assessments, iKMPLUS provides comprehensive supporting materials and training opportunities (administration, reading and using results, etc.).

The new instruments currently being developed constitute a substantial advancement compared to previous standardized assessments at primary and lower secondary level. It is expected that the evidence base for school and quality development as well as for educational monitoring will be significantly strengthened through the provision of a substantially more longitudinal and condensed performance indicators.  Information will be used to further monitor, develop and assure quality within the Austrian school system, while simultaneously boosting the benefits for individual students and teachers through targeted support and supporting materials.   

Additional information DE:  

Bildungsstandards im Schulwesen, Fassung vom 05.10.2021: 

Individuelle Kompetenzmessung PLUS (iKMPLUS) ( Kompetenzmessung PLUS (iKM PLUS) - Nationale Kompetenzerhebung - Themen - IQS

Source:  Eurydice Unit Austria  

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