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The education system in the German-speaking Community of Belgium – up to date or outdated?

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The education system in the German-speaking Community of Belgium – up to date or outdated?

24 October 2019
Country news

The government of the German-speaking Community of Belgium is currently investigating its education system in all its facets in order to develop an overall vision for its future. For this purpose, the government commissioned an external consulting company to analyse the current education system by the end of 2019. This diagnosis is a first sub-project of a multi-year project that aims at developing an overall vision for the education system in the German-speaking Community and at implementing it within the framework of concrete education initiatives. In particular, the diagnostic phase consists of a broad-based participation process that actively involves different groups of stakeholders in the German-speaking Community in the analysis.


From 27th August to 22nd September 2019, the general public was called upon to take part in an anonymous online survey to set the course for the overall vision of the education system in the German-speaking Community. Pupils, trainees, students, parents, teachers, entrepreneurs, representatives of organised civil society as well as all interested citizens were able to give their feedback on the current education system. The result: Around 3,500 citizens in the German-speaking Community took part in the survey.


After evaluation of the data by the external consulting company, the survey results will be discussed in workshops with numerous educational actors and stakeholders. In December 2019, citizens will once again be involved in the concretisation of the fields of action through public events. Subsequently, the expert team will draw up a results report for the diagnosis phase, based on which the overall vision for the education system in the German-speaking Community will be developed for 2020. The aim of the overall vision is to sustainably improve the quality of educational offers and educational equity in the German-speaking Community in view of current and future challenges.


Source: Eurydice Belgium – German Community Unit

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