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Estonian standard-determining tests in Maths and Sciences take place online

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Estonian standard-determining tests in Maths and Sciences take place online

08 October 2020
Country news

In September and October 2020, Estonian 4th and 7th graders are taking standard-determining tests in Sciences and Maths, put in place by the Education and Youth Authority in the Examination Information System.  In Estonia, online testing has been gradually introduced since 2013, but it was the COVID-19 pandemic that evidenced the true importance of the digital means, having required schools to modernise their digital infrastructures and pupils and teachers to acquire further skills in this domain. 

Online standard-determining tests are low-stakes assessments aiming to give an objective and a comparable feedback to the pupils, parents, teachers, school communities and to the Government on the competences attained during the cooperation between the pupil and the teacher.

Pupils are not graded ‒ the test results help teachers to organize the studies more efficiently, taking into account pupils´ needs. Furthermore, the tests serve as a good tool for schools and teachers to get information on pupils´ progress during the distance-learning period in spring.  Usually, schools in the national sample take part in this exercise but all schools may participate on a voluntary basis and they have shown a great interest in participating.  

The Maths test is sample-based, while the Sciences one is open for all. In terms of content, the focus is on key competences of the subjects:  the Sciences test assesses students´ scientific research and decision-making skills: knowledge in natural sciences and analysis, planning and interpretation skills. The Maths test provides an overview of pupils´ knowledge and skills in three subject areas: calculation, geometric shapes, measurements and text assignments. The assessment of Math tests is fully automated while the Sciences is mixed, some parts automated and some parts assessed by teachers.

Although most Estonian schools are currently open, recommendations to reduce the virus transmission risk are being followed. The use of digital environments and channels allows pupils to keep necessary distance and, if needed, enables schools to manage a rapid transition into distance learning.

More information:  Education and Youth Authority :

Source: Eurydice Unit Estonia

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