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Flanders rolls out dual learning trajectory

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Flanders rolls out dual learning trajectory

09 January 2020
Country news

The Flemish Ministry of Education and Ministry of Work defined the content of 23 additional dual learning courses. These include courses that lead to qualifications such as bread and pastry chef, welder or painter.

After 3 years of intensive testing, dual learning has been launched this school year (2019 – 2020). Dual learning is a learning pathway for young people from the age of 15 in which they can choose to combine learning in the workplace with learning at school in order to achieve a professional or educational qualification and better prepare themselves for the labour market. It is a fully-fledged learning path alongside full-time secondary education. The key difference is that students acquire skills in dual learning predominantly in the workplace.

Companies and schools are fully committed to this learning path and have a mutual interest:  schools want to keep young people motivated and train them as well as possible. Companies need young people with the right knowledge and skills. Students enjoy a challenging learning experience – a clear win-win-win situation.

This school year, there are more than 80 dual training courses. The Flemish Government wants to expand the offer even further. Next school year, Flanders wants to reach the threshold of 100 dual courses in so-called standard trajectories. These trajectories guarantee that all courses in each area are of high quality.

Additionally, on 21 November 2018, the Flemish Parliament approved the decree that makes dual learning possible within Special Needs Secondary Education (BuSO) from September 1, 2019.

The government is currently exploring the modalities, possibilities and framework conditions of dual learning in higher education and adult education through 14 pilot projects. Side entrants (e.g. employees, jobseekers) can use dual learning pathways to work in a professional capacity and get the most out of their higher education opportunities. For workers who currently find the transition to lifelong learning difficult, the functional setting of dual learning may be attractive. In addition, dual learning physically brings education to businesses, making the transition to lifelong learning for workers easier.

Source: Eurydice Belgium – Flemish Community Unit

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