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France passed a law for a School of Trust

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France passed a law for a School of Trust

18 December 2019
Country news

On July 26, 2019, the French Ministry of National education passed the law no. 2019-791 for a School of Trust. The law targets a wide range of school education aspects. One of the aims of the reform is to lower the age of compulsory instruction from 6 to 3 years old (starting September 2019), as well as to introduce a training obligation up to 18 years olds (starting September 2020). Furthermore, the law reinforces home education by clarifying the objectives for the monitoring of this form of education.

To support the efforts of the reform, a new evaluation body, the School Evaluation Council, will be established. Its function will be based on a framework of trust and transparency: the evaluation of schools must be a tool for knowledge in the service of the educational community to encourage progress and equality.

Finally, this law aims to improve the management of human resources, particularly teachers, by introducing pre-recruitment and strengthening initial training.

For more information, see detailed information in the reform chapter of national descriptions.

Source: Eurydice France Unit

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