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Free and quality meals will be served in nursery schools of the French community of Belgium

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Free and quality meals will be served in nursery schools of the French community of Belgium

02 October 2018
Country news

78 nursery schools will distribute free and nutritional quality meals based on local products following a decision of the French community's government.

As of the next school year, a total of 78 nursery schools will start serving food from the short and organic circuit to kids. This decision goes under a pilot project which has the purpose of helping families who do not necessarily have the means to finance their children's complete meals.

In addition, this will allow pupils tasting all kinds of food and vary their daily diet.

650 000 meals are expected to be served and more than 4 000 children should be benefit from this decision. The estimated budget of this pilot project corresponds to an amount of € 1 991 833.

In order to tackle inequalities, priority has also been given to schools with the least favored children.

Source: Eurydice Unit - Belgium, French Community

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