„Gesamtvision Bildung“ – overall vision for education in the German-speaking community in Belgium
The Government of the German-speaking Community in Belgium embarked on the large-scale exercise “Gesamtvision – Bildung zukunftsfähig gestalten”. The aim is to improve educational opportunities and the performance of the education system while ensuring educational equity in the long term by adapting to the cultural, economic and technological challenges of the 21st century.
Based on a comprehensive diagnosis, the current and future fields of action of the education system will be identified by the end of 2021 and the strategic goals defined and prioritised. By the end of 2022, the results will flow into an implementation plan to demonstrate the perspectives for the education system until 2030 and beyond. To complement a survey conducted in 2019 with a scientific analysis of school resources, the Government of the German-speaking Community signed a cooperation agreement with the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in December 2020 to conduct a scientific analysis of the school system in the German-speaking Community, to be concluded by December 2021. By using objective and international comparative data, a team of experts will examine how equitable are the opportunities the school system in the German-speaking Community and what is the impact of the current resources.
The pandemic-related developments and challenges as well as the findings from the first stage of the diagnostic phase are also taken into account. The results, in combination with the findings from the intensive participation process, will form a solid basis for the development of an overall vision for education in the German-speaking Community.
Source: Eurydice Unit Belgium-German Speaking community