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Hungary: New names for Vocational Education and Training institutions

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Hungary: New names for Vocational Education and Training institutions

19 March 2018
Country news

As of September 2016, the government has re-named and re-structured all Vocational Education and Training (VET) institutions in Hungary.

The names of all three types of Initial Vocational Education and Training (IVET) programmes have been changed: secondary vocational schools (ISCED 344-454) have become vocational grammar schools (szakgimnázium); vocational schools (ISCED 353) have become vocational secondary schools (szakközépiskola), while special vocational schools that train students with special needs are now called vocational schools (szakiskola).

The new vocational secondary school has a structure of 3+2 years. In the optional +2 years, learners can automatically continue their studies in the same school on a general education programme that leads to the upper secondary school leaving exam, which is the entry requirement for higher education. As regards the 4+1 year vocational grammar schools, students now receive a certificate that entitles them to take up certain jobs on passing the upper secondary school leaving exam in a vocational subject at the end of the fourth year.

For more information please visit the dedicated Eurydice page here.

Source: Hungarian Eurydice Unit

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