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New approach to the practical teaching and professional practice in vocational Education in Serbia

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New approach to the practical teaching and professional practice in vocational Education in Serbia

28 October 2020
Country news

‘Practical teaching and professional practice’ are integral parts of vocational secondary education, aiming at preparing students for their future occupation. It is also referred as work-based learning, as it combines the theory and the practice.  This level of education lasts 3 or 4 years and it prepares students for different vocational fields: both programs allow direct integration in the labor market with a certified qualification, while offering still the possibility of accessing the higher education - 4-year cycle grants direct access while 3-year programme must be complemented with an additional year in order to accede the higher education level.  

According to the Law on Secondary Education, practical teaching and professional practice are mandatory and implemented in multiple settings: in (vocational) school; at the workplace and on a combined approach (partly in school and partly at the workplace). The workplace context of vocational training is more specifically defined in the Law on Dual Education. The Dual model of education (implemented in some of the schools) recognizes work-based professional practice acquired in one or several companies, where mutual rights and obligations of students and employers is regulated by the work-based learning contract concluded between the employer and the student/student’s parent/student’s legal guardian.

Related to this topic, in 2020, the new Bylaw on Implementation of Practical Teaching and Professional Practice was adopted. This Bylaw defines in more detail some aspects of practical teaching and professional practice, namely:

•    The practices are defined as formats of teaching that can be implemented in vocational school or in combined settings (partly at vocational school and partly at the workplace);

o    practical teaching can be implemented in two ways: as a separate vocational subject, or  as part of one / several vocational subjects / modules; 

o    professional practice can be implemented in three ways: as a separate vocational subject; as part of one / several vocational subjects / modules, or during the holidays – usually undertaken by vocational educational profiles which entail seasonal work;

•    the agreement between the school and the employer details the rules and procedures to follow:  

o    a maximum number of participating students for each vocational educational profile; rights and obligations of the employer and school; the beginning and the end of the practice, among other practicalities. 

o    The roles and responsibilities of employers, mentors, teachers and coordinators as well as school’s responsibilities are also carefully defined;

o    the requirements are equally enumerated in terms of conditions of the workplace, the use of appropriate equipment in accordance with particular educational profiles and context;

•    the implementation plan for students with disabilities is also closely defined in this document.

More information:

Source: Eurydice Unit Serbia

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