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Norway to implement new curricula at primary and secondary school levels in 2020

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Norway to implement new curricula at primary and secondary school levels in 2020

13 December 2019
Country news

Norway has recently presented a new curriculum for primary and secondary schools to the Parliament. The revision will be applied starting from fall 2020 and involves both general and vocational strands in upper secondary education. This is the first major reform in Norway since the Knowledge Promotion in 2006.

Some of the key features concerning the content of the new curricula are:

  • Addressing key social challenges through the introduction of three interdisciplinary topics:  health and life skills, democracy and citizenship, and sustainable development
  • Several subjects become more practical and exploratory
  • Critical thinking and critical approach to sources become a central part of several subjects
  • Greater emphasis on play-based learning for the youngest children
  • Digital skills, programming, and technology will be strengthened
  • Reduction in the number of subject competencies to allow for more in-depth learning 

Schools, counties and communities, and teacher education institutions are preparing to implement the new National Curriculum. The aim is to have the National Curriculum set as a regulation to the Education Act in time before the new school year in order to give stakeholders the opportunity to organise and apply the new subject curricula.


Source: Eurydice Norway Unit

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