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Powers to determine teachers’ pay devolved to Wales

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Powers to determine teachers’ pay devolved to Wales

21 November 2018
Country news

As of 30 September 2018, the Welsh Government has the power to set teachers’ pay and conditions of service in Wales. It was the Wales Act 2017 that amended the Government of Wales Act 2006 and devolved powers to Wales, including control of teachers’ pay and conditions.

The Welsh Government plans to implement new arrangements from September 2019. An independent review, established to consider the issues involved in developing a new framework, reported in September 2018. The  review report, Teaching: A valued profession, recommends that  a School Teachers’ Review Body for Wales (WSTRB) is established and  a new coherent 'Career, Conditions and Pay Framework for Teachers in Wales' document is written.

Specific recommendations to support teachers’ development and career pathways include that all teachers should be entitled to 7 days of professional learning each year and a new system role of Specialist in Pedagogy should be established. The report also recommends that there should be a salary uplift for those with an appropriate Master’s qualification.

Specific recommendations for the pay framework are to introduce a new pay progression arrangement and to discontinue the upper pay range. Initially pay ranges should retain direct comparability with England.

Source: UK (England, Wales and Northern Ireland) Eurydice Unit

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