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A revamped final exam for French high school students in 2021

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A revamped final exam for French high school students in 2021

13 February 2019
Country news

The French Department of National Education announced a reform of the general baccalauréat – high school diploma - as of 2021. This reform aims at simplifying the organisation of the final exam, reducing the number of tests and providing students with a better preparation for higher education.  

According to the new reform, 40% of the final grade will be done by continuous examination into the baccalauréat, whereas the last 60% of the final grade will come from the final five examinations: a French exam during 11th grade (Première) and all other exams during 12th grade (Terminale).

At the beginning of Première, the three paths of general education in the lycée (Scientific, Economic and Social Science and Literature) will be replaced by a common core of seven subjects. On top of these subjects, each student will also have to choose three additional subjects as majors (spécialités), among which they will have to retain two in Terminale.

This reform will be progressively implemented during the school years until 2021 session: 10th grade (Seconde) and Première will be concerned at first in September 2019, and finally Terminale in September 2020. Changes to the Seconde include a new instruction timetable, and two new subjects (Economic and Social Sciences and Digital Sciences and Technology).

Source: Eurydice French Unit

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