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'Simply Digital' – a strategy to develop digital competences in Luxembourg's school education

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'Simply Digital' – a strategy to develop digital competences in Luxembourg's school education

26 November 2020
Country news

Digitalisation is becoming increasingly important in all areas of contemporary life. School education thus has the task to prepare the children for the skills they need in the 21st century, where computational thinking is an essential competence.

On 6 February 2020, Luxembourg's ministry of Education, Children and Youth launched the initiative 'Simply Digital –  skills of the future for strong children' ('einfach digital - Zukunftskompetenze fir staark Kanner'). This is a comprehensive digital education strategy encompassing learning from early childhood education and care through all levels of school education. 

The skills needed for the future are identified by 5 'C's:

  • Critical thinking
  • Creativity 
  • Communication
  • Collaboration
  • Coding

The initiative 'Simply Digital' is based on three flagship projects:

  1. General framework for education with media and towards media skills (Guide de référence pour l’éducation aux et par les médias (Medienkompass)); 
  2. Coding in school education (coding à l'école): Successful experiences to train children's computational thinking skills have been carried out in preschool and primary school education. As of school year 2020/21, coding will be progressively introduced into primary school syllabuses. In a further step, computer sciences will be taught as a new subject in the lower years of secondary education (as of school year 2021/22);
  3. Awareness campaign on the use of screens in the family: guidelines and advice for parents to promote a safe use of Internet (Les écrans en famille).

More information: National Reforms in School Education

Source: Eurydice Unit Luxembourg

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