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Spain approves a strategic plan for vocational training

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Spain approves a strategic plan for vocational training

02 December 2019
Country news

The 1st Strategic Plan for Vocational Training in the Educational System 2019-2022 has been recently approved by the Council of Ministers of Spain. The Plan aims to improve employability and satisfy the needs of the labour market, as well as to consolidate the flexibility of this type of educational provision that allows students to reach a high qualification and guarantees a quality labour experience to foster a competitive professional curriculum.

The Plan is designed around the following axes:

  • collaboration and participation of companies and an invitation to all sectors and stakeholders to form part of the participation bodies
  • improve the response of vocational training to the specific needs of each productive sector
  • update the catalogue of vocational training titles and make them flexible
  • increase vocational training provision
  • recognition of basic and professional competences
  • professional development for vocational training teachers, linking this training to productive sectors
  • internationalization of VET
  • modify the current regulations to reorganize VET and to specifically regulate dual vocational training

The implementation of the plan will involve the ministries of Economy and Business Affairs, Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Ministry for Ecological Transition, and Ministry of Labour, Migration and Social Security. Furthermore, the plan will be a collaboration framework between the Ministry of Education and companies and representatives of economic sectors in order to foster strategic partnership, monitor the plan, and introduce improvements.

Source: Eurydice Spain Unit

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