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Summer reading list by Eurydice

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Summer reading list by Eurydice

16 July 2018
Eurydice News

Summer has come, holidays have started and you will soon be – or maybe you are already – lying on a beach, drinking a fresh cocktail and thinking that life is beautiful.

One advantage of summer is that we have more time to spend on activities we love. Reading can be one of them. And as sunny days call for new reading material, why not catch up with some Eurydice publications that you may have missed? Eurydice has selected some reports and articles that will help you be informed, updated, and discover new things about education from a different and original angle.

Here is our selection:

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Teaching Careers in Europe: Access, Progression and Support. Are you a teacher or thinking about becoming one? This is the perfect read for you as it presents a comparative overview of national policies on teacher careers across Europe. Focused on 43 European education systems, the report analyses different aspects of the teaching profession in primary and secondary education. You will find updated information on teacher supply and demand, teacher mobility, career development and appraisal. An overview of the current challenges teachers are facing across Europe.

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The European Higher Education Area in 2018: Bologna Process Implementation Report. Don't be afraid by its thickness! This report can be read chapter by chapter, or you can even look at particular issues in isolation, so you don't have to follow the chapter order religiously. It presents a wide-ranging and detailed picture on how the European Higher Education Area has been moving forward since the Yerevan Conference in 2015. In particular, we suggest reading Chapter 2 part 2.4 on learning in digital environments. This is indeed a very current theme as digital technology is evolving fast. Failing to jump on the train may result in graduates failing to acquire skills that are fully relevant in the labour market, fewer opportunities in research, a significant back-lag in innovation within higher education institutions and in the economy. But to what extent is the integration of new technologies in teaching and learning in higher education present on national policy agendas? How is their mainstreaming supported by national policies? Our report will satisfy your curiosity on these topics.

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Eurydice Brief: Citizenship Education at School in Europe. Looking for an interesting and quick read, light enough to pack in your beach bag? Then, you should go for this brief which presents the main findings of the report Citizenship Education at school in Europe. Europe is currently facing significant challenges. Socio-economic problems, violent extremism and a lack of trust in democratic processes are amongst the biggest threats to peace, democracy, freedom and tolerance. Education and training can help counter these threats by fostering mutual respect and promoting fundamental values – and citizenship education has a special part to play in this regard. Across Europe, there are high expectations from it.

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Focus on: Spotting fake news: New skills or old competences?

This Focus On is a must read, especially if you are interested in current events. Next year is going to be a crucial one for the European Union as in 2019 European citizens will elect a new European Parliament. Fake news represents a real issue during political campaigns. Initiatives fighting fake news seem to multiply as fast as fake news themselves. Hardly a day goes by without the announcement of a new programme or study to tackle fake news. Just at EU level this year, the European Commission has appointed a High-Level Expert Group on fake news, launched a #SaferInternet4EU campaign, announced that the Joint Research Centre is developing a tool to monitor fake news during next year's EU election. But are we really so ill-equipped to handle fake news and teach children these skills? Easily readable from your smartphone and tablet, this article analyses this dilemma highlighting the important role played by schools.

If you really enjoyed this selection under your beach umbrella and you absolutely want a second fresh juice accompanied by another Eurydice report, don't be sad, the full list of our downloadable publications can be found here.   

Last but not least, you can also ask for the printed version! Our reports are available free of charge or in print (if in stock) upon request. Write us an email and we will try to satisfy your wish:

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