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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice

Eurydice News

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine forced many, including a large number of children and young people, to flee their home and search for protection in neighbouring European countries. In two reports published yesterday, the Commission’s Eurydice network gives a snapshot of the measures education authorities in Europe introduced to help schools and higher education institutions integrate refugee learners. Sogol Noorani and David Crosier from EACEA's Platforms, Studies and Analysis unit share with us their impressions.


Fees have long been a controversial issue in higher education policy. As Eurydice’s ‘National student fee and support systems in European higher education’ publication shows, there are major differences in approach, ranging from countries with no fees to those charging considerable sums to all students. But what has happened during the pandemic? Did students continue to pay?


Fees have long been a controversial issue in higher education policy. As Eurydice’s ‘National student fee and support systems in European higher education’ publication shows, there are major differences in approach, ranging from countries with no fees to those charging considerable sums to all students. But what has happened during the pandemic? Did students continue to pay?


Inclusive education is a high priority in the educational policy towards the European perspective of the country. A Concept for inclusive education was adopted in July 2020. The new Law on primary education and the Concept for inclusive education are introducing new methods of students and schools support. 


Teachers play an essential role in making the learning process a fruitful experience for every student. The rapid transition from face-to-face to distance learning during the current pandemic has further shown teachers’ fundamental contribution to our societies.


Celebrating 40 and 5 years of Europe’s education and youth networks

This year Eurydice, the network which provides information on European education systems and policies, celebrates 40 years. What has it achieved? And what about the other important anniversary for young people, that of the Youth Wiki? We asked Sophie Beernaerts, head of the Erasmus+, EU Solidarity Corps department at the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).


"The future depends on what you do today" Mahatma Gandhi

For several weeks, global news has been saturated by one story, one common human reality. Everyone and everything is affected by the covid-19 pandemic, and we have all had to adapt to a sudden shift in the way we live. This of course includes the way we educate our children.  


Summer has come, holidays have started and you will soon be – or maybe you are already – lying on a beach, drinking a fresh cocktail and thinking that life is beautiful.
