Sweden: National Qualifications Framework introduced
Sweden introduced a National Qualifications Framework (Sveriges referensram för kvalifikationer, SeQF) on 1 October 2015, in accordance with the European Parliament recommendation on a European Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning.
Learners, graduates, education providers and employers can use the Framework to understand and compare qualifications awarded in different countries and by different education and training systems.
The government decides which level of the National Qualification Framework certain qualifications correspond to. It will be also possible to apply for level assessment of other qualifications.
The Swedish National Agency for Higher Vocational Education (Myndigheten för yrkeshögskolan) is responsible for coordinating the Swedish Qualifications Framework.
For more information: • Visit the Swedish National Agency for Higher Vocational Education website; • See the Ordinance on the Swedish Qualifications Framework (Förordning om referensram för kvalifikationer för livslångt lärande), in Swedish only.
Source: Swedish Eurydice Unit.