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Teaching process in Bosnia and Herzegovina in school and „online“

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Teaching process in Bosnia and Herzegovina in school and „online“

16 September 2020
Country news

Many rules and many different solutions are characteristics of the beginning of the 2020/2021 school year in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

On September 1, the school started in Republika Srpska, Sarajevo Canton, Tuzla and Bosnian Podrinje Canton-Goražde.  

In the other canton of Brčko District it was on September 7, except for Zenica-Doboj Canton where classes began on September 8.

In the Republika Srpska, and in four cantons in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina the classes lasts mostly 30 minutes with small groups that do not exceed 15 students. Only in the Brcko District, class lasts 45 minutes.

The remaining 6 cantons apply a combined teaching model: returning to school on a certain number of days and online teaching on the remaining days.

"Teachers are looking forward to returning to school, as are students. Most of them (students) also wanted to see their friends, colleagues and teachers. It is better to hold classes at school for twenty or thirty minutes for socialization have a true educational impact on children, than, I don't know how many minutes of online teaching "- is the opinion of one teacher.

More information:

Source:  Eurydice Unit Bosnia and Herzegovina

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