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United-Kingdom-Wales: Wales introduces a framework for digital competence

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United-Kingdom-Wales: Wales introduces a framework for digital competence

15 March 2018
Country news

Wales introduces a framework for digital competence.

A key Welsh Government priority is digital competence, defined as the set of knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to enable the confident, creative and critical use of technologies and systems. In September 2016 the Welsh Government published a Digital Competence Framework for use in schools and other educational settings with learners aged three to 16-plus. The Framework aims to encapsulate the skills that will help learners thrive in an increasingly digital world. It gives digital competence the same priority as literacy and numeracy, encouraging the integration of digital skills across the whole curriculum.

The Framework was developed by practitioners from Pioneer Schools, supported by external experts. It contains four strands of equal importance, each with a number of elements:

  • Citizenship
    • identity, image and reputation
    • health and well-being
    • digital rights, licensing and ownership
    • online behaviour and cyber-bullying.
  • Interacting and collaborating
    • communication
    • collaboration
    • storing and sharing.
  • Producing
    • planning, sourcing and searching
    • creating
    • evaluating and improving.
  • Data and computational thinking
    • problem solving and modelling
    • data and information literacy.

The Welsh Government has published guidance to assist schools and settings to familiarise themselves with the Framework and consider how to translate cross-curricular digital competence into practice.

Source: Wales Eurydice Unit

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