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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Recommended annual taught time in full-time compulsory education in Europe, 2011/12

Comparative Reports

Recommended annual taught time in full-time compulsory education in Europe, 2011/12

16 February 2018

Recommended annual taught time in full-time compulsory education in Europe, 2011/12

Full version EN


The Eurydice data collection on taught time targets recommended compulsory curriculum by grades/stages for full-time compulsory education. The taught time presented in the national figures corresponds to the most common general education programme in the country concerned. It includes the time spent by a student in receiving instruction on all the subjects integrated in the compulsory core or compulsory flexible curriculum in the school premises or in out-of school activities which are formal part of the programme.

The report presents both data by subject and country as annual compulsory taught time in hours of 60 minutes per grade bearing in mind the number of taught days and weeks per year as well as the number and length of the class periods.

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