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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Towards a Mobility Scoreboard: Conditions for Learning Abroad in Europe

Comparative Reports

Towards a Mobility Scoreboard: Conditions for Learning Abroad in Europe

19 February 2018


Towards a Mobility Scoreboard: Conditions for Learning Abroad in Europe

Full version EN


This feasibility report contains a set of draft proposals for 'scoreboard indicators' focusing on conditions supporting learner mobility in higher education. Following up on a 2011 Council Recommendation through which Member States committed to promoting and removing obstacles to learner mobility, it aims to set a framework for monitoring progress. The report covers topics ranging from information and guidance to language preparation, portability of financial support, recognition and support to disadvantaged learners. The indicators in these areas allow national policy and practice to be clearly differentiated, and provide benchmarks for progress. The report covers 33 countries (all 28 EU Member States, plus Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey) and has the reference year 2011/12. Further editions of the report are expected to be produced on a biennial basis.

European Press Release


Chapter 1: Information and Guidance

Chapter 2: Foreign Language Preparation

Chapter 3: Portability of Grants and Loans and Financial Support for Mobile Students

Chapter 4: Quality of Learning Mobility

Chapter 5: Recognition of Learning Outcomes

Chapter 6: Disadvantaged Learners

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