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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice

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Because they have a disability or have been diagnosed with a learning disability, some pupils are redirected to special education, a sector designed to respond more appropriately to the specific needs of pupils.  However, the French Community has been advocating a more inclusive model of education for the past few years and has put in place a series of measures.  


After bettering the EU’s 10% target in 2020 with an impressive 8.9%, Portugal’s rate of early leaving from Education and Training fell even further in 2021, reaching an all-time low of 5.9%. Over the last two decades, such positive figures have put Portugal top of the European improvement table. Between 2015 and 2021, the country’s dropout rate declined by over half, while the rest of the EU’s average percentage fell from 11% to 10%. 


The introduction of tuition fees to non-Eu/EEA students in 2017 did not have long-term negative effects on making Finnish higher education institutions more international or on the willingness of non-EU/EEA students to study in Finnish higher education institutions. This is one of the conclusions made by the working group that was set by the Ministry of Education and Culture to monitor and evaluate the implementation of the tuition fees. 


In June 2020, the ‚Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in Germany (Kultusministerkonferenz)‘ set uniform performance requirements for the upper secondary school-leaving certificate (gymnasiale Oberstufe) and the general higher education entrance qualification (Abitur) in the Natural Sciences in all 16 Länder.


Following the vandalism against Jewish burial sites, the Danish government launched an action plan regarding antisemitism. This plan is interdepartmental and includes 15 initiatives to prevent that antisemitism takes root in Denmark. 

Five (5) of the fifteen (15) initiatives aims at increasing children and youth’s knowledge of Holocaust and antisemitism. These five initiatives include:


The Government of the French Community adopted in fourth and final reading the draft decree reforming the Initial Teacher Education. 

The objective of this reform is to contribute to the improvement of our educational system, which requires a high level of training for future teachers. As already foreseen in the decree of February 2019 (currently under moratorium), the training of all core teachers will be increased from 3 to 4 years, and future teachers will be trained via a co-diploma between Universities, University Colleges and Arts Colleges.


The Ministry for Education and Science took decisive actions to improve the access to education system to all students, with special emphasis to the students with disabilities.

The new law on Primary education and the Concept for inclusive education are introducing new methods of students and school’s support. One of them is the transformation of special schools into primary schools with a resource center. Each school with resource center is responsible to provide support to previously determined regions of the country.


The Government of the Slovak Republic at its meeting on 24.11.2021 approved the Strategy for Lifelong Learning and Counselling for the years 2021-2030.


The Ministry of Education and Science plans to introduce a new subject in schools from 1 September 2023. New subject is called Business and Management, allowing students to be able to choose it as an additional subject at extended level in the matriculation (Matura) examination – in 2027.


On February 1, the Council of Ministers of Spain approved the Royal Decree 95/2022 which establishes the organization and minimum contents of Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) from 0 to 6 years (ISCED 0), and which, for the first time, regulates and provides an educational character to the education stage from 0 to 3 years. Early childhood education is not compulsory and it is arranged in two cycles: ages 0 to 3 (ISCED 01), and ages 3 to 6 (ISCED 02).
