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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine forced many, including a large number of children and young people, to flee their home and search for protection in neighbouring European countries. In two reports published yesterday, the Commission’s Eurydice network gives a snapshot of the measures education authorities in Europe introduced to help schools and higher education institutions integrate refugee learners. Sogol Noorani and David Crosier from EACEA's Platforms, Studies and Analysis unit share with us their impressions.


The Russian invasion of Ukraine has posed a serious threat to the lives of millions of people, many of whom have been forced to flee their home and search for protection in neighbouring European countries. The host countries are now called upon to respond to this situation by providing refugees from Ukraine with support measures to facilitate their rapid and successful integration in the new society. Higher education is a critical sector in this response, as the war has had a major impact on higher education staff and students from Ukraine.


The Russian invasion of Ukraine forced many people to flee their home and search for protection in neighbouring European countries, amongst them a large proportion of children and young people. Schools in receiving countries now have a responsibility to provide the young learners with quality education and support. While European countries have already taken many actions to address refugee learners’ educational needs, equal attention needs to be paid to their psychosocial needs.


Politics is just history happening today, University student, Belfast, 21 years old.

In the early morning hours on February 24th 2022, the Ukrainian population awakened to news of the outbreak of war. The bombings on this morning marked the beginning of the Russian invasion, not only devastating the lives of Ukrainians, but also bringing about a fundamental change to what we thought was possible in Europe. The invasion brought war back into the European consciousness and reminded us that peace should not be taken for granted.


Teachers’ remuneration and career prospects are an intrinsic part of policies aiming to attract the best candidates and ensure they remain in the profession. Are teachers in Europe well paid? What prospects for salary increases do they have as they progress in their career? Have teachers gained or lost purchasing power in recent years? The Eurydice country sheets answer these questions, covering pre-primary to general upper secondary education levels.


Increasing achievement and motivation in mathematics and science learning in schools.

In our fast-changing and technology-driven societies, education in mathematics and science is crucial for ensuring that children and young people have the necessary skills, knowledge and mind-set to be responsible and active citizens.


In 2021, the "Agreement on the Common Basic Structure of the School System and the National Responsibility of the Länder in Central Questions of Education Policy" of the Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder came into force.

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