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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice

At its meeting on 8 December 2021, the Government of the Slovak Republic approved the Strategy on inclusive approach in education submitted by the Ministry of Education. This Strategy has been developed based on the Programme of the Government of the Slovak Republic 2021 – 2024: Area of Equal Opportunities in Education. 


Because they have a disability or have been diagnosed with a learning disability, some pupils are redirected to special education, a sector designed to respond more appropriately to the specific needs of pupils.  However, the French Community has been advocating a more inclusive model of education for the past few years and has put in place a series of measures.  


This Eurydice report focuses on the topic of equity and inclusion in higher education in Europe. It analyses the current level of alignment of European higher education systems with the ten Principles & Guidelines agreed by all EHEA countries as a blueprint to take forward the commitment of improving the social dimension.


Summer has come, holidays have started and you will soon be – or maybe you are already – lying on a beach, drinking a fresh cocktail and thinking that life is beautiful.


Welcome to the spring 2018 edition of the Eurydice Newsletter. Our Newsletter provides you with updates on the most recent and forthcoming Eurydice publications, as well as news from the European education world. Education systems vary significantly across Europe, and Eurydice aims at understanding and clearly explaining how those systems work.


This topic describes the quality assurance systems that exist at various educational levels and sectors. The topic specifies whether internal quality assurance is compulsory or recommended. On-going debates or initiatives concerned with quality assurance are also mentioned. Legislation related to quality assurance is also explained. If you would like country specific information on this topic, please go to the "This chapter by country" tab and click on the appropriate country.

This topic summarises the national policies and general objectives concerning educational support and guidance. Those with special education needs within mainstream education and special needs schools are addressed separately.

If you would like country specific information on this topic, please go to the "This chapter by country" tab and click on the appropriate country.

This topic provides information on policy adopted by national and regional governments in order to promote mobility and internationalisation in education. If you would like country specific information on this topic, please go to the "This chapter by country" tab and click on the appropriate country.

This topic groups information on management and other educational staff not responsible for teaching but working in schools, higher education and adult education. • Four sections deal with education, training and general working conditions of management, monitoring, guidance and other education staff for early childhood and school education • Two sections describe management and other education staff working in higher education • Two sections provide information on management and other education working staff in adult education and training is provided If you would like country specific

This topic focuses on the main aspects of education system organisation with regard to teachers and education staff.

For each main level it focuses on three major topics: initial teacher education and training, conditions of service, and continuing professional development. If you would like country specific information on this topic, please go to the "This chapter by country" tab and click on the appropriate country.

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