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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Structural Indicators for Monitoring Education and Training Systems in Europe 2016 – Thematic Overviews

Comparative Reports

Structural Indicators for Monitoring Education and Training Systems in Europe 2016 – Thematic Overviews

19 February 2018

Which European countries provide specific guidelines and guaranteed places for early childhood education? Do schools receive additional resources for disadvantaged students? Where in Europe do teachers receive trainings to tackle students' early leaving and underachievement? Is informal learning recognised everywhere in Europe for entry into higher education? How common are work placements as part of higher education programmes?

These questions are answered in Eurydice's thematic overviews. The publications examines education structures, policies and reforms in five key areas: early childhood education and care, achievement in basic skills, early leaving from education and training, higher education and graduate employability. Each publication looks at a number of key indicators and features up-to-date figures, definitions, country notes, and analyses of recent key policy developments and reforms.

Each thematic overview is based on a chapter from the Eurydice report Structural Indicators for Monitoring Education and Training Systems in Europe 2016. The re-print is intended to bring attention to the specific policy areas in each chapter.

The information covers 40 European education and training systems, and has been collected through a questionnaire completed by national experts and representatives of the Eurydice Network.


Early childhood Education and Care

Achievement in Basic Skills

Early leaving from Education and Training

Higher EducationGraduate Employability
Structural indicators on early childhood education and care in Europe – 2016
Achievement in Basic Skills
Early leaving from Education and Training
Higher Education
Graduate Employability
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