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Find the most recent country news and articles from the Eurydice network. You can search information by year and category. 

Latvia's 100th anniversary Culture School Bag for every schoolchild

15 March 2018
Like Estonia to the north and Lithuania to the south, this year Latvia is celebrating 100 years since the foundation of its first republic in

Find the most recent country news and articles from the Eurydice network. You can search information by year and category. 

Sweden: National Qualifications Framework introduced

19 March 2018
Sweden introduced a National Qualifications Framework (Sveriges referensram för kvalifikationer, SeQF) on 1 October 2015, in accordance with the European Parliament recommendation on a European

Germany: Literacy Decade proclaimed

19 March 2018
The Federal and Länder governments want to significantly improve literacy skills amongst adults in Germany over the next ten years. To this end, the former

Denmark: New reform of vocational education and training programmes

19 March 2018
A reform of vocational education and training programmes came into force in Denmark on 1 August 2015. It aims at ensuring high quality vocational education

The Netherlands: The Netherlands - Greater scope for specialist secondary school teachers to teach in primary education

19 March 2018
This means that talented children will be introduced at a younger age to subjects like physics, and that pupils will be better prepared for the

Lithuania: An experimental “class voucher” methodology aimed at solving education funding problems will be tested

19 March 2018
The financing principle “the money follows the pupil” or better known as the “pupil voucher” implemented in Lithuania has been criticised for a number of

Greece:New law applying to wages of public primary and secondary education teachers

19 March 2018
A new law (4354/2015) on 'Management of non-performing loans, wage settlements and other urgent regulatory provisions concerning the agreement of budgetary objectives and structural reforms'

Focus on: Is money the solution to widening participation in higher education

19 March 2018
Dirk Van Damme, the OECD's resident higher education expert, recently stated that the 'financial support mechanisms that compensate students from less well-off families in higher

Focus on: Europe's refugee tipping point: Can higher education respond

19 March 2018

News about the refugee crisis has painted a doom picture of Europe. Yet, while news on this topic tend to be negative, there are positive


Focus on: Educating at home: what can we learn

19 March 2018

'...we have come to realise that for most men (sic) the right to learn is curtailed by the obligation to attend school' – Ivan Illich.


The Ministry of education announces the National teacher prize

19 March 2018
On the same day of the award of the 'Global Teacher Prize', the Ministry of Education has announced the launch of a national teacher prize