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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
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Find the most recent country news and articles from the Eurydice network. You can search information by year and category. 

Latvia's 100th anniversary Culture School Bag for every schoolchild

15 March 2018
Like Estonia to the north and Lithuania to the south, this year Latvia is celebrating 100 years since the foundation of its first republic in

Find the most recent country news and articles from the Eurydice network. You can search information by year and category. 

Fast track training schemes for newly arrived teachers and preschool teachers

19 March 2018
The initiative is part of a fast track training scheme initiated by the Swedish government with the goal of helping new migrants with professional qualifications

Focus on: Are education systems focusing on the right skills

19 March 2018

Are education systems focusing on developing the right skills at school and universities?


France: New organisation for programmes leading to Master's degree

19 March 2018
Since the implementation of the "LMD reform" (the Bologna process in France) in 2002, programmes that lead to a Master's degree have been available in

Hungary: New names for Vocational Education and Training institutions

19 March 2018
The names of all three types of Initial Vocational Education and Training (IVET) programmes have been changed: secondary vocational schools (ISCED 344-454) have become vocational

United-Kingdom-Wales: Wales introduces a framework for digital competence

15 March 2018
A key Welsh Government priority is digital competence, defined as the set of knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to enable the confident, creative and critical

Focus on: What future for student mobility

15 March 2018

While the popularity of the EU may fluctuate, the popularity of Erasmus is enduring, with close to 4.5 million students who have now studied or


Homework: what is it good for

15 March 2018

“I'm learning skills I will use for the rest of my life by doing homework, procrastinating and negotiation.” ― Bill Watterson


Focus on: Education systems in a post-truth world

15 March 2018

Evidence are being replaced by beliefs held despite ample proof that contradicts them. This change leads to the question: Can you run an education system


Malta: My Journey Achieving Through Different Paths

15 March 2018
On the 23 November 2016 the Ministry for Education and Employment in Malta launched new secondary education reforms. The reforms are titled My Journey: Achieving

Focus on: Is one country's brain gain another one's drain

15 March 2018

Are the results of the right to move freely, to study and work in another member state positive for everyone, or are some paying the
