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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Higher education


7.Higher education

Last update: 16 June 2022

For higher, or tertiary, education is meant here the segment of the education and training system that follows the completion of upper secondary education and that covers a set of different higher education systems:

  • the university system, that includes universities and other equivalent institutions 
  • the system of the Higher education for the fine arts, music, and dance (Alta formazione artistica, musicale e coreutica - AFAM)
  • the system of the Higher technical education (Istruzione tecnica superiore)

The institutes that belong to the university system are:

  • State universities
  • non-State recognised universities
  • non-State recognised online universities
  • higher schools for language mediators and specialisation institutes for psychotherapists 

The institutions belonging to the AFAM system are:

  • State academies of fine arts
  • recognised non-State academies of fine arts
  • higher institutes for artistic industries (Istituti superiori per le industrie artistiche - ISIA)
  • conservatoires
  • the National academy of drama (Accademia nazionale d'arte drammatica)
  • the National dance academy (Accademia nazionale di danza)
  • the officially recognised music institutes
  • other institutions authorised to release recognised qualifications 

Institutions belonging to the university and AFAM systems organise programmes of the first, second and third cycle of the Bologna Process structure (corresponding to the ISCED 6, ISCED 7 and ISCED 8 levels, respectively). In addition, universities and AFAM institutions may organise courses leading to other qualifications outside the Bologna structure. All the relevant qualifications are described in the NQF. Qualifications issued by universities and AFAM institutions are also described in the Italian qualification framework of Higher education (Quadro dei titoli italiano - QTI).

University and AFAM institutions have legal status and statutory, teaching, scientific, administrative, financial and accounting autonomy. They establish the organisation of the academic year, which, in general, starts on the 1st of November and ends on the 31st of October of the following year and is usually organised in semesters.

The providers of Higher technical education are the Higher technical institutes (ITSs) that are specialised technical schools established to meet the demand of new and high-level competences coming from the labour world, in particular in the technological sectors. ITSs offer short-cycle higher education. Courses are accessible to holders of an upper secondary qualification. In general, courses last 4 semesters (1 800-2 000 hours) and lead to the qualification of ‘Higher technician’ (Diploma di tecnico superiore).

Besides universities, AFAM institutions and ITS, also other institutions offer tertiary education in specific fields. In general, access to courses requires an upper secondary education qualification and an entrance examination. The number of places available is limited and fixed annually. In some cases, also a previous relevant training is required. These institutes issue qualifications recognised within the education system; however, they refer to national authorities other than the Ministry of university and research, therefore, their offer will not be described in this chapter.