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Initial education for teachers working in early childhood and school education


9.Teachers and education staff

9.1Initial education for teachers working in early childhood and school education

Last update: 16 June 2022

The following sections describe initial teacher education and recruitment procedures according to the most recent legislation in force. Staff working at present in ECEC settings and State schools has been trained and recruited according to different procedures that have been applied over the years and that are not described. 

The main categories of educational and teaching staff working in public ECEC settings and in State schools are:

  • Educators in ECEC settings for children aged from 0 to 6 years;
  • Teachers in ECEC settings for children aged from 3 to 6 years;
  • Teachers of the primary level (class teachers);
  • Teachers of the secondary levels (subject teachers);
  • Support teachers (pre-primary, primary and secondary levels);
  • Teachers of technical-vocational subjects (in technical and vocational institutes);
  • Teachers of Catholic religion (all levels)

Initial education of the educational and teaching staff working in early childhood and school education varies according to the category and to the educational level they are willing to teach at.

Educators in educational services for younger children must hold either a Bachelor degree in educational sciences, specific for working with children aged 0 to 3 years (ISCED 6), or a Master degree in primary education sciences (ISCED 7), integrated with a specialisation course focussed on education of small children (D.Lgs 65/2017).

Teachers of the ECEC settings for children over 3 years of age and of primary schools must obtain Master qualification (ISCED 7) after completion of a specific single-cycle programme of five years in primary education sciences. The study programme includes traineeship activities from the second year of the course that qualify graduates as teachers (DM 249/2010).

Teaching in secondary schools, beside a Master qualification, requires specific competences in anthropology, psychology and pedagogy, as well as in teaching methods and technologies to be acquired through specific university courses  for a total of 24 ECTS credits. The qualification and the credits are the requirements to access the national open competition that qualifies teachers to the profession and allow their recruitment. However, once teachers have been recruited, only a positive assessment of the compulsory one-year induction period confirms them in their teaching position (D.Lgs. 59/2017 as modified by law 145/2018).

Support teachers at all levels, beside the qualifications described above, need an additional specialisation course called ‘formative and active traineeship for support teachers’ (Tirocinio formativo attivo - TFA per il sostegno) (DM 30.09.2011).

Teachers of technical-vocational subjects in technical and vocational institutes are required to hold a technical or vocational upper secondary qualification (ISCED 3) or a short-cycle qualification (ISCED 5) issued by a Higher Technical Institute (Istituto tecnico superiore – ITS). Starting from school year 2024/2025 they also will need a Master degree (ISCED 7). This category of teachers will not be described in further details in the next sections.

The initial education of teachers of Catholic religion involves both the Italian State and the Catholic Church. In fact, the Ministry of education and the Italian Episcopal Conference, i.e. the assembly of Italian bishops (Conferenza Episcolale Italiana – CEI), have agreed on the qualifications required for teachers of Catholic religion (DPR 175/2012).  Italian regulations establish that teachers must hold a higher-level qualification in religious sciences or theology or have completed theological studies at a seminar. Moreover, at pre-primary and primary level, also priests, deacons and qualified religious persons can teach Catholic religion. At all levels, beside these qualifications, teachers must also meet the requirements established in the Canon law Code according to which a person is qualified to teach the Catholic religion when she/he demonstrates knowledge of Christian and Catholic contents, possession of pedagogical skills and to lead a Christian life. This category of teachers will not be described in further details in the next sections.

Institutions, level and models of training

Educators and teachers complete their initial education at universities and, only for teaching at secondary level, at institutions of Higher education for fine arts, music and dance (Alta formazione artistica, musicale e coreutica – AFAM). Programmes vary according to the category and to the educational level future teachers will teach at.

Early childhood education (0-3 years)

Two routes are available for training future educators in ECEC settings for children aged less than three years (D.Lgs. 65/2017 and DM 378/2018).

The first route requires educators to hold a Bachelor degree (ISCED 6) obtained after completing a three-year programme in the field of educational sciences, specific for working with children aged 0 to 3 years, for a total of 180 ECTS credits.

The Bachelor degree in educational sciences is acknowledged for working in ECEC settings if the relevant study programme includes the study of pedagogy, psychology, sociology and medicine with contents specific for children from 0 to 3 years of age, for a total of 55 ECTS credits. The 55 ECTS credits can be acquired within the mainstream curricular programme, as well as in addition to the curricular programme or through extra-curricular studies. Ten out of the 55 credits must come from traineeship activities, while 5 credits are acquired through practical studies (laboratories), according to a concurrent training model (Annex B to DM 378/2018).

The second route available to work in ECEC settings for small children is to hold a Master degree in primary education sciences (ISCED 7) integrated with a specialisation course (consecutive training model). The Master degree is obtained at completion of a single-structure study course of five years (300 credits).

Specialisation courses are organised by universities that offer the Master degree upon accreditation by the Ministry of university and research. The purpose is to make graduates acquire specific competences that were not included in the Master programme but are, nevertheless, necessary to work with children aged 0 to 3 years. Specialisation courses last one year (60 ECTS credits). Training activities follow a theoretical and practical concurrent approach with lessons, laboratories and direct and indirect traineeships.

Theoretical training activities (lessons) lead to the acquisition of 34-40 credits, each credit corresponding to six-eight hours of face-to-face lesson. Laboratories correspond to 10-12 credits, are compulsory and cannot be organised in distance learning.

Direct traineeship can be carried out in any of the educational services operating in the country for a total of 175 hours. However, 50% of time must be spent in centre-based ECEC settings (nidi d’infanzia). Indirect traineeship lasts for 75 hours and includes planning and reworking activities also in groups. Traineeships are compulsory and trainees are followed by a tutor (Annex A to DM 378/2018).

School education

Pre-primary and primary education

Teaching at the pre-primary and primary levels, requires a Master qualification (Laurea magistrale, ISCED 7) obtained after completion of a specific single-structure course in primary education sciences organised by universities of educational sciences, or other universities upon authorization of the Ministry of education.

Courses last five years and lead to the acquisition of 300 ECTS credits. Courses are organised as follows:

  • Subject-related studies in the areas taught at primary level (total of 135 credits);
  • General studies in the field of pedagogy, teaching, psychology, sociology and anthropology (total of 78 credits);
  • Activities related to the integration of pupils with special educational needs (total of 31 credits);
  • Laboratories, English language, technologies for teaching, final exam (total of 32 credits);
  • Traineeship (total of 24 credits).

Perspective teachers at pre-primary and primary level follow a concurrent training model. In fact, students start their traineeship from the second year of studies. Direct and indirect traineeships have an overall duration of 600 hours (24 ECTS credits) and activities are organised by the universities themselves (DM 249/2010).

Secondary education

Initial education of teachers in lower and upper secondary schools, develops in two different and consecutive steps. The first step, at higher education level, provides future teachers with the academic subject-related competences and with teaching-related competences which acquisition can be concurrent or consecutive with respect to the course of study. The second step starts with passing the open competition and with the recruitment of teachers and consists of a one-year induction period that has both training and evaluation purposes.

To teach at the lower and upper secondary levels of education, it is required to hold a Master degree (ISCED 7) released by a university or by an institution of the Higher education for fine arts, music and dance (Alta formazione artistica, musicale e coreutica - Afam). Master degrees are released after either a two-year programme or a single-cycle programme in one of the subject areas that are taught in secondary schools.

Beside the Master degree, it is also required the acquisition of specific competences in anthropology, psychology and pedagogy, as well as in teaching methods and technologies for a total of 24 ECTS credits. Such competences are acquired through specific university courses that can be completed during and after the master programme. 

The qualification and the 24 credits do not complete initial education of secondary teachers but are, instead, the requirements to start initial education that is made up of the following three steps:

a) passing an open competitive examination at national level that qualifies teacher to the profession; b) completing an induction programme of one year that includes initial training and evaluation; c) receiving a positive evaluation at the end of the induction period to be confirmed in the profession.

Those who pass the competitive examination are hired with permanent contracts as qualified teachers and start the induction period in the school the teacher is assigned to. The induction period must correspond to at least 180 days of actual job (exams and assessments included), of which 120 days spent in teaching activities (included all the activities preparatory to teaching), plus a minimum of 50 hours of training activities (see below for details). A positive evaluation of the induction period confirms the teacher in his/her position.

Dispositions on the initial education and recruitment of secondary teachers are included in the D.Lgs. 59/2017 as modified by law 145/2018.

Support teachers at all levels of school education

Those willing to work as support teachers need, first of all, to meet all the requirements for becoming a teacher for the specific levels of education of interest: holding a master degree in primary education sciences for teaching at the pre-primary and primary levels, or holding a master degree plus having acquired 24 credits in in anthropology, psychology and pedagogy, as well as in teaching methods and technologies.

In addition, they need to complete a specialisation course called ‘formative and active traineeship’ for support teachers (Tirocinio formativo attivo - Sostegno). Each university, also in agreement with other universities, activates and organises the specialisation courses for future support teachers, according to the general frame established at central level (DM of 30.09.2011) and within the limits of posts available.

Specialisation courses have an overall length of at least eight months and must lead to the acquisition of 60 credits organised as follows:

-    Specific teaching areas such as special teaching and pedagogy, psychology of development and of education, public law, child neuropsychiatry (for a total of 36 ECTS); -    Laboratories tailored to the different levels of education (for a total of 9 ECTS); -    Traineeship for a total of 300 hours (12 ECTS); -    Final test (3 ECTS).

Direct traineeship is carried out at school for 150 hours over no less than 5 months, while indirect traineeship activities for the remaining 150 hours consist of reworking activities with tutors and practical use of digital technologies applied to special education.

Admission requirements

Early childhood education (0-3 years)

Initial training of educators in ECEC settings is carried out at higher level by completing any of the following route:

1) a three-year Bachelor programme (ISCED 6) in educational sciences specific for teaching in ECEC settings for children aged less than three years; 2) a five-year Master programme in primary education sciences, integrated with a specialisation course focussed on education of small children.

An upper secondary education leaving certificate, or any other equivalent qualification obtained abroad, is always necessary to access all university programmes (DM 509/1999).

To access the bachelor programme for working as educators in ECEC settings for small children, universities may also organise entry tests to verify that students’ initial preparation is adequate. University regulations establish the knowledge required for admittance and lay down tests procedures that can take place on completion of preparatory training activities carried out in collaboration with institutes of upper secondary education. A negative test result does not preclude enrolment; teaching regulations should specify additional specific training requirements to be fulfilled during the first year of course (DM 509/1999).

The admission requirements for the five-year master courses in primary education sciences are described below in the section ‘School education’, as they are mainly addressed to future teachers of pre-primary and primary education. As for the specialisation courses that integrate the master degree, they usually have a limited number of posts available established by each university that also sets the criteria to access these courses.

School education

Pre-primary and primary education

For entering a single-cycle master course in primary education sciences aimed at teaching at pre-primary and primary levels, students must hold an upper secondary education leaving certificate, or any other qualification obtained abroad recognised as equivalent (DM 509/1999).

In addition to the required qualification, students must also pass an entry exam. Admission to these university courses is planned and limited at national level (law 264/1999) and the Ministry of education establishes the number of posts available every year, based on the need of teaching staff, as calculated at regional level (DM 249/2010). Each university organises its admission tests according to specific decrees published by the Ministry of education every year.

Secondary education

To teach at secondary level, it is required to hold a master degree (ISCED 7) released by a higher education institution, either a university or an institution of the Higher education for the fine arts, music and dance (Alta formazione artistica, musicale e coreutica – AFAM), or any other qualification obtained abroad recognised as equivalent. The admission requirements to access a master programme are either a bachelor degree, to access two-year programmes, or an upper secondary leaving certificate in case of single-structure programmes.

Beside the master degree, it is also necessary to acquire 24 ECTS credits in the field of anthropology, psychology, pedagogy and teaching methodology and technology. Universities and AFAM institution organise courses either within or in addition to the main course of study. Access to single courses is not limited.

These qualifications do not complete initial education of secondary school teachers that also foresees an open competition, the teacher’s recruitment and the subsequent one-year induction period. The master degree and the 24 credits are the requirements to access the open competition that, if passed, qualifies teachers and allows their recruitment at school. Once qualified teachers are recruited in a school they start the one-year induction period called ‘initial training and assessment’ that constitutes the final segment of their initial education and that, if successfully completed, confirms them in the profession.

Those who already are qualified teachers for other subject areas or other levels of education or have a former qualification to teaching the same subject area, are exempted from acquiring the additional 24 credits.

Dispositions on the initial education and recruitment of secondary teachers are included in the D.Lgs. 59/2017 as modified by law 145/2018.

Support teachers at all levels of school education

Support teachers, in addition to the qualifications required to teach at the different levels of education, need to complete a specialisation course called ‘formative and active traineeship’ for support teachers (Tirocinio formativo attivo - Sostegno). Courses have a planned and limited access. Every year, the Ministry of education establishes the number of posts available, based on the general need of teaching staff and on the specific needs of support teachers as calculated at regional level. The requirement to access the specialisation courses are:

  • For teaching at pre-primary and primary levels, a master degree in primary education sciences, or a lower qualification obtained before the school year 2001/2002;
  • For teaching at secondary level, it is required to be qualified teachers or to hold a master degree plus the 24 ECTS credits;
  • To pass an entry exam aimed at verifying the possession of adequate competences in the use of the Italian language and teaching, as well as on empathy, creativity and other competences necessary to work with pupils with special educational needs.

The entry exam is organised by the single universities according to the structure established by central regulations: a preliminary test with 60 multiple choice questions, one or more written or practical tests and an interview (DM of 30.09.2011).

Support teachers at secondary level must also pass the open competition for the recruitment of secondary teachers. Once recruited, also qualified support teachers start the one-year induction period that coincides with their initial education for teaching (D.Lgs. 59/2017 as modified by law 145/2018).

Curriculum, level of specialisation and learning outcomes

Early childhood education (0-3 years)

According to the legislation in force (DM 378/2018), the role of educators in ECEC services for children aged less than three years is to organise and carry out activities aimed at developing children’s potentials of relationship, autonomy, creativity and learning in an emotional, playful and cognitive environment. Educators must also ensure equal opportunities of education and care, of relations and play. To this end, educators need to have:

  • knowledge of children’s development in all their dimensions (physical, emotional, social, etc.);
  • skills of understanding children’s competences;
  • theoretical and practical knowledge of education and care of small children and of different contexts and care cultures that children’s families may have;
  • relational and communication competences also in relation to support of parenthood;competences and knowledge referred to the promotion of children’s wellbeing and to the possible conditions of risk, disadvantage and delay in children’s development;
  • knowledge and competences referred to educational methodologies and to the observation and evaluation of children’s behaviours.

Educators are also requested to know the history, the legislation, the organisation and functioning of ECEC services, as well as to have knowledge of planning, organising and evaluating contexts and activities in compliance with national regulations on early childhood education for children aged between 0 and three years.

Initial education of educators has the purpose of providing them with the above mentioned competences and knowledge.

The Bachelor degree in educational sciences (ISCED 6) is recognised for working in ECEC settings if the study programme meets the minimum requirements of acquisition of credits in the following sectors:

  • Pedagogy, at least 20 credits;
  • Psychology, at least 10 credits;
  • Sociology, at least 5 credits;
  • Medicine, at least 5 credits;
  • Laboratories of pedagogy and psychology, at least 5 credits;
  • Traineeship, at least 10 credits.

Contents must be specific for children from 0 to 3 years of age, for a total of 55 ECTS credits. Credits can be acquired within the mainstream curricular programme, as well as in addition to the curricular programme or through extra-curricular studies (Annex B to DM 378/2018).

The second route of initial education of educators requires the integration of the master degree (ISCED 7) in primary education sciences with a specialisation course (60 ECTS credits). The aim of the specialisation course is to provide graduates with contents and competences to work with small children that they have not acquired with the master programme, which is destined to pre-primary and primary education teachers.

The study programme focuses on studies in the following subject areas (34-40 credits):

  • Pedagogy: theory and practice of pedagogy of childhood, of educational relations,  pedagogy of families, history of educational services and models of early childhood education and care;
  • Teaching methods: play, inclusive and intercultural teaching, planning, organisation and evaluation, documentation of activities;
  • Psychology: psychological development in early childhood, development processes and early childhood education, relational models in families and in educational services, models and techniques of observation of children’s behaviour;
  • Sociology of families and of childhood;
  • Medicine: health education, paediatrics, education to prevention and hygiene, neuro-psychiatry or psycho-pathology of the development.

Laboratories of pedagogy and psychology, for a total of 10-12 credits, focus on welcoming, planning of environments and activities, care, play, education to reading of images, documentation and observation, team working. Activities are carried out in groups through cooperative works, simulations, observation of real experiences.

The specialisation course also includes direct and indirect traineeships for a total of 9 credits. Direct traineeship can be carried out in any of the educational services operating in the country, while indirect traineeship includes planning and reworking activities also in groups (Annex A to DM 378/2018).

School education

According to Ministerial Decree 249/2010 the general aim of teacher education programmes, at all school levels, is the acquisition of subject-related competences as well as of pedagogic, didactic and organisational competences. These general objectives are reached through two programmes organised differently for pre-primary and primary teachers and for secondary teachers.

Beside the different organisations and contents of initial teacher education, teachers at all levels must acquire the following competences:

  • linguistic competences in English equivalent to the level B2 of the ‘Common European Framework of Reference for Languages’ adopted in 1996 by the Council of Europe,
  • digital competences (use of multimedia languages, use of digital contents and, more in general, use of simulated environments and virtual labs, coding);
  • teaching competences suitable to favour the school integration of pupils with disabilities.

Finally, also the acquisition of competences necessary to the development and support of school autonomy is an integral part of initial education of all school teachers (DM 249/2010).

Pre-primary and primary education

Teaching at the pre-primary and primary levels requires the completion of a five-year Master programme (300 ECTS credits) in primary education sciences aimed at teaching in pre-primary and primary schools. Programmes include traineeship activities to be carried out starting from the second year of studies.

Courses provide teachers with the necessary subject related competences and with the ability of adapting their teaching to different age groups and cultures and planning their teaching activities. In particular, graduates in primary education sciences are expected to:

  • Have subject-related knowledges in the subjects areas taught at school;
  • Be able to adapt the contents to the different levels of education and to children’s ages;
  • Have the skills to manage the progression of learning adapting times and methods to pupils’ levels of progression;
  • Be able to choose and use the most suitable tools, like frontal lessons, simulation, cooperation, discussion, etc.;
  • Have interpersonal and managerial skills to work with the class and to build common rules referred to behaviour, responsibility, solidarity and justice;
  • Be able to participate in the school life by collaborating with colleagues.

In order to reach these goals, programmes are organised in general and specific training activities. General teachings aim at the acquisition of knowledge in the fields of: pedagogy, teaching, psychology, sociology and anthropology. These studies correspond to 78 CFU credits.

Specific activities are organised in two areas. The first area refers to the acquisition of subject-related knowledge in the following subject areas: mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, Italian language and literature, English language, history, geography, sports, arts, music, children’s literature. Studies correspond to 135 CFU credits.

The second area aims at the acquisition of competences referred to the integration of pupils with special educational needs, compulsory in the initial training of all school teachers. This area includes studies in the fields of infantile neuropsychiatry, psychology, law and health. Studies correspond to 31 CFU credits.

Starting from the second year of studies, students start a compulsory traineeship for a total duration of 600 hours (24 CFU credits). Traineeship is both direct at school and indirect with activities of preparation, reflection, discussion and documentation of a final report.

The remaining credits come from optional activities, as well as from language and ICT laboratories, the English language test and from the all preparatory activities to the finale test (DM 249/2010, table 1).

Secondary education

To teach at secondary level, it is required to hold a master degree (ISCED 7) released by a higher education institution, either a university or an institution of the Higher education for the fine arts, music and dance (Alta formazione artistica, musicale e coreutica – AFAM). The curriculum of this segment of secondary school teachers’ education is the one of the master programme concerned. Beside the master degree, it is also necessary to acquire 24 ECTS credits in the following subject areas:

  • pedagogy, special pedagogy and inclusive teaching,
  • psychology,
  • anthropology,
  • teaching methodologies and technologies.

At least 6 credits must be acquired for each of three among these sectors. Universities and AFAM institution organise courses either within or in addition to the main course of study. Each area has its own learning outcomes and contents. Credits acquired through other personal studies, always at universities or at AFAM institutions, such as additional exams, doctoral studies, specialisation courses, can also be acknowledged as valid (DM 616/2017 and Annexes).

Those who pass the open competition for the recruitment of teachers are qualified teachers and can be recruited at school where they start the induction phase called ‘one-year initial training and assessment period’. The contents of the induction phase are described in the specific section.

CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) is compulsory in general and technical upper secondary education (licei and technical institutes). In order to provide teachers with the competences necessary to teach their subject in a foreign language, universities can provide courses addressed to qualified teachers with language skills corresponding to the level C1 of the European common framework of references for languages. Courses correspond to at least 60 CFU credits, including at least 300 hours (12 CFU credits) of traineeship (DM 6/2012).

Support teachers at all levels of school education

Support teachers, in addition to the qualifications required to teach at the different levels of education, need to complete a specialisation course organised by universities and called ‘formative and active traineeship’ for support teachers (Tirocinio formativo attivo - Sostegno).

A support teacher is assigned to a class where a pupil with special educational needs is enrolled and works as a class teacher as the other teachers. The role of support teachers is to support teaching activities in order to help the inclusion process of pupils with disabilities (law 104/1992).

Central legislation describes what specific skills and knowledge support teachers need to fulfill their role, as well as the organisation and contents of specialisation courses (DM of 30.09.2011 and Annexes).

A support teacher is expected to have, for example:

  • Theoretical and practical competences in the fields of special pedagogy and teaching;
  • Psycho-pedagogic competences with reference to different disabilities;
  • Knowledge and competences on educational relations with the group of pupils in the class;
  • Competences on methods of relationships and collaboration with families.

The specialisation course lasts no less than eight months and leads to the acquisition of a total of 60 ECTS credits. Courses include studies in specific subject areas, laboratories and traineeship. Specific studies refer to the following teaching areas (36 credits): special teaching and pedagogy, pedagogy of help relation; psychology of development and of education, public law, child neuropsychiatry.

Laboratories are tailored to the different levels of education and focus on special teaching, on psycho-educational and teaching intervention in case of behaviour or relational disorders, on non-verbal languages and communication techniques, and on didactic of education at pre-primary and primary level that becomes guidance and life planning at secondary level. Laboratories are carried out through collaborative work, simulations, practical experiences, and lead to a total of 9 credits.

Traineeship is both direct and indirect engages the trainees for a total of 300 hours (12 credits). Direct traineeship takes place at school and lasts 150 hours for at least 5 months. It can be based on projects drawn up by the university that organises the course or by the school, in coherence with the objectives of the specialisation course. Trainees are supported by tutors who are teachers of the school. During the indirect traineeship, for the remaining 150 hours, trainees carry out reworking activities on their professional experience with teachers and the tutors. The indirect traineeship also includes practical training on the use of technologies applied to special teaching.

Teacher educators

Teacher educators for all teachers, support teachers included, are professors and researchers of the higher education system, i.e. of universities and of institutions of the Higher education of the fine arts, music and dance system (Alta formazione artistica, musicale e coreutica - Afam).

Initial education of educators and teachers of all school levels includes also traineeship activities that are organised differently for each initial education route. However, in all traineeships, trainees refer to one or more tutors.

Future educators in ECEC settings for small children carry out traineeships either during the bachelor programme in education sciences for teaching in ECEC settings, or during the specialisation course in case they have a master degree in primary education sciences. In the first case, tutors are educators and teachers of the institution the trainee is assigned whereas, in case of specialisation courses, the tutors are the teachers of the course (DM 378/2018).

Also pre-primary and primary school teachers carry out traineeship activities during their master programme in primary education sciences. In this case, trainees refer to a tutor who is a teacher of the school they are assigned to and to a teacher-tutor of the course of study, with coordinating functions (DM 249/2010).

Support teachers carry out additional traineeship during the specialisation course for support teachers. Tutors are teachers of the school the trainee is assigned to and must have a permanent contract, have a specialisation for support activities and have at least five years of working experience as support teacher (DM 30.09.2011).

All school teachers must complete an induction phase of one year after their recruitment at school. During the induction, teachers are supported by a tutor. The school head indicates the teachers of the school who will also work as tutors of newly recruited teachers. One tutor can support a maximum of three teachers. Tutors’ task is to welcome the teacher in the school community, in class teaching and in collegiate moments with other teachers in order to improve the quality and efficacy of teaching. The tutor also submits a report on the teacher’s experience that is taken into consideration for the final evaluation of the induction period (DM 850/2015).

Qualifications, evaluation and certificates

Initial education of educators and teachers is carried out at higher education level, either at universities or, for secondary school teachers, also at institutions of the higher education in fine arts, music and dance system (AFAM). Each institution lays down in its own teaching regulation the procedures and methods for students' assessment, within the general frame established by central regulations for the assignment of grades at examinations. Moreover, also in compliance with central regulations, both universities and AFAM institutions have adopted a credit system for the recognition of students' learning workload consisting of CFUs (university formative credits), and CFAs (academic formative credits), which correspond to the ECTS. The final test consists in the discussion of an original work in front of a commission.

These general dispositions apply to all programmes at higher education level. Initial education of educators and teachers involves also other types of training, such as traineeships and specialisation courses that apply specific evaluation procedures.

Early childhood education (0-3 years)

Educators must have completed a three-year Bachelor programme in educational sciences specific for working with small children and obtained the corresponding Bachelor degree (laurea). Graduates are expected to have the skills and competences necessary to work in ECEC settings, as foreseen by the curriculum of the corresponding three-year programme (DM of 16 March 2007). During the course of study, students also undergo a traineeship period organised by the singles universities.

Also graduates with a Master degree in primary education sciences can work as educators in ECEC settings (laurea magistrale). Evaluation procedures as well as expected outcomes are the same of the Master course for pre-primary and primary school teachers. The degree must be integrated with a specialisation course specific on education of small children. The specialisation course has the purpose of providing future educators with the competences and knowledge specific of childhood that they have not acquired in the Master programme. The specialisation course ends with a final exam that consists of an interview on theoretical, methodological and practical competences acquired, as well as a discussion on the activities carried out during the traineeship. The candidate is given a maximum of 30 points and the exam is passed with a minimum of 18 points (DM 378/2018).

School education

Pre-primary and primary education

At the end of the Master programmes for teaching at pre-primary and primary level, successful students are awarded the Master degree (laurea magistrale) in primary education sciences. Graduates are expected to have the skills and competences required by central regulations (DM of 16 March 2007) and by the curriculum of the corresponding programme. During the course of study, students also undergo a traineeship period organised by the singles universities. The course of study ends with the discussion of a final work and of the final report on traineeship and these two tests make up the final examination that, if passed, awards the Master degree and qualifies graduates as teachers (DM 249/2010).

Secondary education

For teaching at secondary level, it is required to complete a Master programme and obtain the relevant degree released by a university or an institution of the AFAM system, in one of the subjects areas that are taught at secondary schools and that are covered by the public competition for the recruitment of teachers. Moreover, it is required to acquire 24 ECTS either within or in addition to the main course of study in the field of anthropology, psychology, pedagogy and teaching methodology and technology.

To become a qualified teacher it is necessary to pass a national public competition that consists of two written tests and one interview that aims also at verify the knowledge of a foreign language at least at the B2 level of the Common European framework of reference for languages (CEFR) as well as of information and communication technologies. Candidates pass the exam when they have obtained a mark equal or higher than 7 out of 10 in each test. According to their position in the ranking, qualified teachers choose the school where to teach and in that school they start their one-year initial education that, if positively assessed, confirms them in their position (D.Lgs. 59/2017 as modified by law 145/2018).

At the end of the induction period, the school manager assesses the teacher by verifying he/she has reached the professional goals and acquired the competences as established at the beginning of the induction phase. To this end, the school head takes into consideration the advice of the Committee for the evaluation of teachers. The Committee gives its advice after an interview with the teacher based on the preliminary results provided by the tutor and the report made by the school manager. The Committee’s opinion is obligatory but not binding for the school manager who evaluates the teacher. A positive evaluation confirms the teacher in his/her position. In case of negative assessment, the teacher can repeat the induction period only once (DM 850/2015).

Support teachers at all levels of school education

Support teachers at all levels, beside the Master degree, need also to complete a specialisation course for support teachers. The specialisation course ends with the acquisition 60 ECTS and a final examination. The final evaluation of students covers both theoretical teachings and laboratories and traineeships. Students are given a mark expressed in thirtieths and shown in the certification (DM of 30 September 2011). Support teachers at secondary level must also pass the qualifying open competition described above for secondary teachers that, for support teachers, verifies also the knowledge of special teaching and of inclusive teaching. Once recruited, qualified support teachers start the one-year induction period like all other teachers (D.Lgs. 59/2017 as modified by law 145/2018).

Alternative training pathways

The teacher initial training pathways are only the ones described above.