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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice



Last update: 23 June 2022

Certificate of professional experience (Certificado de Profesionalidad)

Certificate officially accrediting vocational competences, that is, the set of knowledge and skills that enables to pursue a professional activity in accordance with production and employment requirements. These competences refer to ‘competence units’ of vocational qualifications from the National Catalogue of Vocational Qualifications, so each ‘certificate of professional experience’ can comprise one or more of these units.

Competence unit (Unidad de competencia)

The minimum element of a vocational competence that can be partially recognised and accredited.

School rules (Reglamento de régimen interior)

Internal rules of non-university educational institutions that specify the rights and duties of students and the other members of the educational community. They establish the organisational and operational rules of the school, including compliance with the Plan for Coexistence. The rules contained are educational and contribute to create an adequate climate of respect, responsibility and effort in learning, which are necessary for the functioning of educational institutions. They are developed with the participation of all the sectors of the educational community and must be approved by the School Council.

Senior teacher and Senior professor (Catedrático)

Body of teachers belonging to the civil service with the highest academic rank. ‘Senior teachers’ in non-university education can be: ‘Senior teachers’ of secondary education; Music and Performing Arts; Language Education; and Plastic Arts and Design, who are doctors or graduates with at least eight years seniority in the corresponding teaching body as public official. University ‘Senior professors’ comprise Senior lecturers or doctors who are not Senior lecturers but have at least eight years seniority and a positive teaching and research report.

Specialised education (Enseñanzas de régimen especial)

It includes Arts Education, Language Education and Sports Education. Arts Education includes Music, Dance, Dramatic Arts, Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property, and Plastic Arts and Design.

Technician and Advanced Technician (Técnico y Técnico Superior)

Vocational qualifications obtained after successful completion of vocational training and some types of ‘specialised education’ (professional Plastic Arts and Design studies and Sports education). Although their main objective is to qualify for the labour market, the holders of these qualifications can also pursue other studies.

Training cycle (Ciclo formativo)

Set of studies, modular and of varying duration, into which vocational training and some types of ‘specialised education’ (Plastic Arts and Design and Sports education) are organised.

Vocational module (Módulo profesional)

Minimum unit of content that can be accredited in vocational training. Its successful completion leads to the award of vocational training qualifications and ‘certificates of professional experience‘.